Planning – Enforcements Search

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Search for Planning Applications, Appeals and Enforcements by matching at least one search option in the form below.

Reference Numbers

Reference Numbers

Enforcement Details

Enforcement Details
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Notice Details

Notice Details

Notice Dates

Enter a date range (a start date and an end date) for the criteria that you are interested in. The date fields may be entered manually using the date format dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 01/07/2019). Alternatively, click on the calendar button and pick a date.

Notice Dates
Date Notice Served (from) calendar
Date Notice Served (to) calendar
Appeal Lodged Date (from) calendar
Appeal Lodged Date (to) calendar
Appeal Decision Date (from) calendar
Appeal Decision Date (to) calendar

Case Dates

Enter a date range (a start date and an end date) for the criteria that you are interested in. The date fields may be entered manually using the date format dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 01/07/2019). Alternatively, click on the calendar button and pick a date.

Case Dates
Date Received (from) calendar
Date Received (to) calendar

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