Planning Applications (42)
Hybrid planning application comprising: (i) Outline application (with all matters reserved save for "access"), for the erection of up to 87,300 sqm (GIA) of employment space (Use Class B1), up to 550 sqm (GIA) of community space (Use Class D1), up to 2,500 sqm (GIA) of Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 floorspace, up to a 180 bedroom hotel (Use Class C1) and up to 480 residential units (Use Class C3), installation of an energy sharing loop, main vehicle access points from A40 and A44, link road between A40 and A44 through the site, pedestrian and cycle access points and routes, car and cycle parking, open space, landscaping and associated infrastructure works. Works to the A40 and A44 in the vicinity of the site. (ii) Full application for part of Phase 1A comprising 15,850 sqm (GIA) of employment space (Use Class B1), installation of an energy sharing loop, access junctions from the A40 and A44 (temporary junction design on A44), construction of a link road between the A40 and A44, open space, landscaping, temporary car parking (for limited period), installation of cycle parking (some temporary for limited period), foul and surface water drainage, pedestrian and cycle links (some temporary for limited period) along with associated infrastructure works. Works to the A40 and A44 in the vicinity of the site. (Amended plans and additional information received 19.06.2019)
Ref. No: 18/02065/OUTFUL | Status: Approved
Hedgerow removal notice on land north and south of the A40 located west of the Wolvercote Roundabout and east of the Western Bypass Road (A34)
Ref. No: 21/00129/HRN | Status: Raise no Objection
Reserved matters approval for earthworks, attenuation ponds , substations, services and areas of permanent and temporary landscaping.
Ref. No: 21/01053/RES | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with conditions 4a(CTMP detailed app excl outline), 5(Details of link road and paths), 16(surface water drainage), 17(water network upgrades), 20a(CEMP - details app ex A40), 32( CTMP), 40(soil resource plan), 42( investigate watercourse), 43(site wide surface water drainage), 44(Surface drainage - phases and sub phases), 45(Wastewater upgrades), 47(Water network upgrades), 48(phase CEMP), 50(Species surveys) and 56(remediation) of planning permission 18/02065/OUTFUL.
Ref. No: 18/02065/CND | Status: Approved
Non-Material amendment to planning permission 18/02065/OUTFUL to allow alterations to the basement, floor heights, windows, cladding, landscaping and provision of natural smoke ventilation and pavement lights. Formation of roof and plant level louvres. Insertion of 1no rooflight in cycle store and provision of temporary generator parking and enclosure for connections.
Ref. No: 18/02065/NMA | Status: Approved
Construction of a Spine Road for access to Phases 1b, 1c and 1d of the Oxford North development and the provision of landscaping to create Canalside Park.
Ref. No: 22/00081/RES | Status: Approved
Non-material amendment to planning permission 21/01053/RES to allow a change in the position of the substations and in relation to the completed land levels in the Canalside part of the site.
Ref. No: 21/01053/NMA | Status: Approved
Reserved matters approval of the appearance, siting, landscaping and scale associated with the erection of a substation.
Ref. No: 22/00622/RES | Status: Approved
Details of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the erection of 317 dwellinghouses (Use Class C3). (Amended Plans)
Ref. No: 22/00675/RES | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with conditions 23 (noise protection), 37 (SBD), 38 (External lighting) and 60 (noise protection) of planning permission 18/02065/OUTFUL.
Ref. No: 18/02065/CND3 | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with conditions 50 (protected species survey) and 50a badger survey of planning permission 18/02065/OUTFUL.
Ref. No: 18/02065/CND4 | Status: Approved
Consultation purposes. Notice of submission of further information in relation to application for planning permission accompanied by an Environmental Statement (Regulation 25 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017 a(as amended)
Ref. No: 22/02122/CONSLT | Status: Raise no Objection
Details submitted in compliance with condition 3 (materials) of planning permission 22/00675/RES
Ref. No: 22/00675/CND | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with condition 12 (Means of enclosure) of planning permission 22/00675/RES
Ref. No: 22/00675/CND2 | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with condition 60 (Noise Protection), 48 (Phase CEMP), 37 (Secured by Design), 32 (CTMP) of planning permission 18/02065/CND4
Ref. No: 18/02065/CND5 | Status: Approved in Part/Split Decision
Non-Material amendment to planning permission 22/00081/RES to allow change in surface materials and update to drainage strategy.
Ref. No: 22/00081/NMA | Status: Approved
The dualling of the A4130 carriageway (A4130 Widening) from the Milton Gate Junction eastwards, including the construction of three roundabouts; - A road bridge over the Great Western Mainline (Didcot Science Bridge) and realignment of the A4130 north east of the proposed road bridge including the relocation of a lagoon; Construction of a new road between Didcot and Culham (Didcot to Culham River Crossing) including the construction of three roundabouts, a road bridge over the Appleford railway sidings and road bridge over the River Thames; Construction of a new road between the B4015 and A415 (Clifton Hampden bypass), including the provision of one roundabout and associated junctions; and - Controlled crossings, footways and cycleways, landscaping, lighting, noise barriers and sustainable drainage systems. at A linear site comprising a corridor between the A34 Milton Interchange and the B4015 north of Clifton Hampden including part of the A4130 east of the A34 Milton Interchange, land between Didcot and the former Didcot A Power Station and the Great Western Mainline, land to the north of Didcot where it crosses a private railway sidings and the River Thames to the west of Appleford-on-Thames before joining the A415 west of Culham Station, land to the south of Culham Science Centre through to a connection with the B4015 north of Clifton Hampden.
Ref. No: 22/02733/CC3 | Status: Raise no Objection
Details submitted in compliance with condition 19 (energy sharing loop) of planning permission 18/02065/OUTFUL
Ref. No: 18/02065/CND6 | Status: Approved
Details of reserved matters (appearance, siting, landscaping and scale) for the relocation of three substations. The Hybrid Application was the subject of an EIA.
Ref. No: 22/02973/RES | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with condition 35 (Peartree interchange) of planning permission 18/02065/OUTFUL
Ref. No: 18/02065/CND7 | Status: Approved in Part/Split Decision
Erection of commercial building (revised design of approved Red Hall) and immediate hard landscaping.
Ref. No: 22/03042/RES | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with condition 23 (Brown roofs) of planning permission 22/00675/RES
Ref. No: 22/00675/CND3 | Status: Pending Consideration
Amendments to the extent of land covered by the detailed and outline elements of hybrid planning permission 18/02065/OUTFUL and reserved matters approvals related to this consent.
Ref. No: 18/02065/NMA2 | Status: Approved
Non-Material amendment to planning permission 22/00675/RES to allow a minor amendment to the elevations of one dwelling for a temporary period to enable its use as a sales and marketing suite.
Ref. No: 22/00675/NMA | Status: Approved
Reserved matters approval of scale, layout, landscaping and appearance for the erection of commercial building, erection freestanding service pavilion for storage of associated waste and gas bottle storage and provision of landscaping (Plot A). The original application was EIA development.
Ref. No: 23/00707/RES | Status: Approved
Reserved matters approval of scale, layout, landscaping and appearance for the erection of commercial building, erection freestanding service pavilion for storage of associated waste and gas bottle storage and provision of landscaping (Plot B). The original application was EIA development. (Amended plans)
Ref. No: 23/00708/RES | Status: Approved
Non-material amendment to planning permission 18/02065/OUTFUL to allow the removal of the area of the central landscaping and the removal of the temporary car park. Removal of a central parcel of land located between buildings 1 and 2, along with minor amendments to the external elevations of Buildings 1 and 2 and minor amendments to the footpath and lay by to spaces along the link road.
Ref. No: 18/02065/NMA3 | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with conditions 9 (Material samples) and 10 (architectural details) of planning permission 18/02065/OUTFUL.
Ref. No: 18/02065/CND11 | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with conditions 3 (Material samples) and 4 (Window openings) of planning permission 22/03042/RES.
Ref. No: 22/03042/CND | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with condition 39 (tree plan for A44) of planning permission 18/02065/OUTFUL.
Ref. No: 18/02065/CND12 | Status: Approved
Reserved matters for the approval of scale, layout, landscaping and appearance for the erection of commercial building, erection freestanding service pavilion for storage of associated waste and gas bottle storage and provision of landscaping (Plot C). The original application was EIA development.
Ref. No: 23/01412/RES | Status: Approved
Non-Material amendment to planning permission 18/02065/OUTFUL to allow omission of doors to glazed panels, omission of terracotta tiles from inner roof bays, replacement of openable windows with fixed windows, additional transoms added to gable ends, and roof link corridor to be constructed of solid metal.
Ref. No: 18/02065/NMA4 | Status: Approved
Non-material amendment to planning permission 22/03042/RES to allow changes to the external doors by omitting the double door and replacing it with fixed glazed panels on the south west elevation. Omission of openable windows on the south west elevation, replaced with fixed windows, Additional transoms in the gable end facade on the north west and north east elevations.
Ref. No: 22/03042/NMA | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with conditions 23 (noise protection) and 60 (noise protection) of planning permission 18/02065/OUTFUL
Ref. No: 18/02065/CND13 | Status: Approved
Non-Material amendment to planning permission 22/00675/RES to allow a minor amendment to the description of development by removing the specific number of dwellings (317) from the description
Ref. No: 22/00675/NMA2 | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with condition 45 (Wastewater upgrades), 46 (Surface water network), 47 (Water network upgrades), 54 (Events strategy) and 59 (Air quality) of planning permission 18/02065/OUTFUL.
Ref. No: 18/02065/CND14 | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with condition 4 (bin collection points), 5 (south walk/cycle link), 7 (car parking and access spaces), 8 (cycle parking), 9 (car club spaces), 10 (visibility splays) and 13 (landscaping plan) of planning permission 22/00675/RES.
Ref. No: 22/00675/CND4 | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with condition 16 (EV Charging) of planning permission 22/00675/RES.
Ref. No: 22/00675/CND5 | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with condition 31 (Employment Use) of planning permission 18/02065/OUTFUL
Ref. No: 18/02065/CND15 | Status: Approved
Variation of condition 2 (accordance approved plans) of planning permission 22/00675/RES Details of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for the erection of dwellinghouses (use class C3) to allow two additional 3-bed flats, relocation of cycle storage and a reduction in car parking.
Ref. No: 24/00411/VAR | Status: Pending Consideration
Details submitted in compliance with condition 6 (travel plan), 21 (LEMP) and 22 (BNG) of planning permission 22/00675/RES.
Ref. No: 22/00675/CND6 | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with condition 51(estate management plan) and 63 (CCTV and security) of planning permission 18/02065/OUTFUL for 22/00675/RES - Canalside
Ref. No: 18/02065/CND16 | Status: Pending Consideration
Planning Appeals (0)
Planning Enforcements (0)
Properties (0)
Building Control Applications (1)
New Office development
Ref. No: 20/00686/IN | Status: Accepted