Planning Applications (19)
New off sales shop at Old Gate House Public House
Ref. No: 49/00827/A_H | Status: Approved
Change of use from garage to clubroom and sale of soft drinks at Old Gate House Public House
Ref. No: 64/15009/A_H | Status: Refused
Garage for sale of cars at Old Gate House Public House
Ref. No: 65/16617/A_H | Status: Refused
Internal alterations to form new lounge bar by removal of servery and off licence and repositioning servery adjacent to cellar, with new entrance through former off licence at Old Gate House public House
Ref. No: 70/22697/A_H | Status: Approved
Extension and improvement of car parking facilities.
Ref. No: 84/00078/NF | Status: Refused
Extension and improvement of car parking facilities (Revised Plans)
Ref. No: 84/00721/NF | Status: Approved
Retention of satellite dish at eastern end of front elevation at Old Gate House public House (amended plans)
Ref. No: 92/00792/NF | Status: Approved
Erection of single storey extensions for enlarged lounge, new kitchen, store & bulkhead to new internal staircase. New entrance lobby to Botley Rd & replacement of door with window on west elevation at Old Gate House Public House
Ref. No: 95/01557/NF | Status: Approved
Externally illuminated signs, hanging & fascia signs on south elevation (signs A & F); sign over entrance on east elevation (sign M); illuminated gable sign (sign K); amenity board on west elevation (sign J) at Old Gate House Public House
Ref. No: 96/00101/A | Status: Approved in Part/Split Decision
Prune ash and horse chestnut trees referenced on the Botley Road (No.1) TPO 1995 for White Horse Public House
Ref. No: 98/01845/TPO | Status: Approved
Reduce by 30% and thin out crowns of ash (T.1) and horse chestnut (T.2) trees referenced on the Oxford City Council - Botley Road (No. 1) Tree Preservation Order, 1995 at The White Horse Public House, 2 Botley Road
Ref. No: 06/01037/TPO | Status: Approved
Provision of decking to side and rear of building.
Ref. No: 09/01626/FUL | Status: Approved
Installation of pond with waterfall in garden.
Ref. No: 11/02395/PDC | Status: Permission Required
Replacement of existing canopy with retractable roof awning and fitting of laminated glass balustrades
Ref. No: 15/00742/PDC | Status: Permission Required
Installation of retractable roof awning system and fitting of laminated glass balustrades.
Ref. No: 15/01388/FUL | Status: Withdrawn
Installation of retractable roof awning system and fitting of laminated glass balustrades.
Ref. No: 15/02611/FUL | Status: Approved
Change of use of public house car park to use as car wash (Use Class Sui Generis)
Ref. No: 20/00365/FUL | Status: Refused
Removal of shed. Erection of 3no. temporary tents. Formation of cold store. Formation of storage container to the rear. Replacement decking. Alterations to lean to. Alterations to west, south and east boundary treatments. Provision of 12no. car parking spaces. Provision of bin stores. (Part retrospective)
Ref. No: 24/01121/FUL | Status: Withdrawn
Demolition of existing shed and removal of existing ducting. Installation of extraction ventilation system, high velocity cowl, air supply system and associated works to rear elevation. Installation of 1no. louvre to side elevation. Removal of 1no. window to rear elevation and insertion of 1no. window to side elevation.
Ref. No: 24/01370/FUL | Status: Withdrawn
Planning Appeals (0)
Planning Enforcements (0)
Properties (0)
Building Control Applications (4)
The Old Gate House PH - Single storey extension to lounge bar, kitchen and cases store. Upgrading toilets, new staircase to first floor entrance lobby.
Ref. No: FP/95/1065 | Status: On Hold - Awaiting further information
Install a gas-fired boiler
Ref. No: GASAFE/16/02768 | Status: Building Work Complete
Install a gas-fired boiler
Ref. No: GASAFE/18/04431 | Status: Building Work Complete
Beam insertion.
Ref. No: 24/00291/OALFP | Status: Building Work Started
Licensing (6)
Ref. No: 05/00810/PREM | Status:
Temporary Event Notice for a dinner/dance at White House on 13/02/10 from 21.00 hrs to 03.00 hrs to the following day with entertainment and sale of alcohol for 100 people.
Ref. No: 10/00089/TEN | Status: Current Licence
Temporary Event Notice - for a birthday party on 22.08.2010 from 00.30 hours to 03.00 hours for 100 people
Ref. No: 10/00805/TEN | Status: Current Licence
Temporary Event Notice - for the showing of world cup football from 13/06/2014 - 19/06/2014 till 01.30 hours each day.
Ref. No: 14/00492/TEN | Status: Current Licence
Temporary Event Notice - for showing of World Cup Football from 21/06/2014 - 22/06/2014 from 00.00 midnight to 01.30 hours each day for 100 people
Ref. No: 14/00494/TEN | Status: Current Licence
Transfer of Premises Licence 05/00810/PREM
Ref. No: 14/02851/TRPREM | Status: Current Licence