Planning Applications (20)
Erection of racking and two containers for storage of boats and ancillary equipment for temporary period.
Ref. No: 01/01279/NF | Status: Approved
Permanent retention of racking and three containers for storage of boats and ancillary equipment.
Ref. No: 03/01574/FUL | Status: Refused
Falcon Rowing Club Meadow Lane - Extension of existing club premises.
Ref. No: 61/10793/A_H | Status: TEM
Falcon Rowing Club Meadow Lane - Renewal of temporary consent for extension of club premises.
Ref. No: 64/10793/A_H | Status: TEM
Boathouse Meadow Lane - Renewal of temporary consent for use of boathouse as club premises.
Ref. No: 69/10793/A_H | Status: TEM
Restoration of Keble College barge for use as a club house with a single storey annexe containing lavatories, changing room and a rowing practice pool.
Ref. No: 69/21815/AA_H | Status: Approved
Restoration of Keble College barge for use as a club house with a single-storey annexe containing lavatories, changing rooms and a rowing practice pool. (Outline application).
Ref. No: 69/21815/A_H | Status: Approved
The Falcon Rowing Club Meadow Lane - Erection of temporary boat store/workshop.
Ref. No: 72/26189/A_H | Status: Refused
The Falcon Rowing Club Meadow Lane - Outline application for extension to boathouse.
Ref. No: 73/01418/A_H | Status: Refused
Adjacent to Falcon Rowing Club Meadow Lane - New boathouse.
Ref. No: 79/00268/A_H | Status: Approved
Falcon Rowing and Canoe Club Meadow Lane - Demolition of boathouse. Outline application (seeking approval for siting and means of access) to erect a 2 storey replacement boathouse with ancillary facilities (Amended plans)
Ref. No: 94/00817/NO | Status: Approved
Demolition of existing single storey boathouse. Erection of 2 storey boat club building.
Ref. No: 04/00257/OUT | Status: Approved
Permanent retention of racking and 3 containers for the storage of boats and ancillary equipment.
Ref. No: 04/00441/FUL | Status: Approved
Proposed erection of fence to provide boat storage compound.
Ref. No: 08/00263/FUL | Status: Approved
Demolition of existing boathouse and redevelopment of boathouse with club facilities, associated storage and landscaping.
Ref. No: 09/01918/FUL | Status: Approved
Application to extend the time limit for implementation of planning permission 09/01918/FUL (Demolition of existing boathouse and redevelopment of boathouse with club facilities, associated storage and landscaping.).
Ref. No: 13/01655/EXT | Status: Approved
Erection of new sign
Ref. No: 13/03013/PDC | Status: Permission not Required
Demolition of existing boat house and ancillary boat storage. Erection of a two storey clubhouse and boat storage.
Ref. No: 19/00410/FUL | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with conditions 4 (Samples), 5 (Air Quality), 6 (Construction Environmental Management), 7 (Underground Tree Roots), 8 (Underground Tree Roots), 9 (Landscape Plan), 12 (Ecological Enhancements), 13 (Lighting Design Strategy), 14 (Flooding (Voids), 15 (Flood Risk Assessment), 16 (SUDs), 17 (SUDs Maintenance Plan), 18 (Flood Warning and Evacuation Plan), 20 (Construction Traffic Management Plan) and 21 (Cycle Parking) of planning permission 19/00410/FUL
Ref. No: 19/00410/CND | Status: Pending Consideration
Details submitted in compliance with condition 19 (Car Parking Management Plan) of planning permission 19/00410/FUL.
Ref. No: 19/00410/CND2 | Status: Pending Consideration
Planning Appeals (0)
Planning Enforcements (0)
Properties (0)
Building Control Applications (1)
Demolition of existing boat house and ancillary boat storage. Erection of a two storey clubhouse and boat storage.
Ref. No: 19/01513/OALFP | Status: Building Work Started
Licensing (3)
Temporary Event Notice for celebrating the completion of the new boathouse building with sale of alcohol (on sale only) and the provision of regulated entertainment on the 24/09/2022 between the hours of 16:00hrs to 22:00hrs for 350 people.
Ref. No: 22/03094/TEN | Status: Current Licence
Temporary Event Notice for an indoor social games evening for club members over 18 years old with the sale of alcohol(on sales only) and the provision of regulated entertainment on the 24/02/2024 between the hours of 17:00hrs to 22:30hrs for 80 people.
Ref. No: 24/00499/TEN | Status: Current Licence
Temporary Event Notice for AN INDOOR AND OUTDOOR END OF SUMMER EVENING FOR CLUBMEMBERS AND PARTNERS OVER 18.YEARS OLD with the sale of alcohol(on sales only) and the provision of regulated entertainment on the 13/09/2024 between the hours of 18:00hrs to 22:30hrs for 98 people.
Ref. No: 24/03158/TEN | Status: Current Licence