Planning Applications (11)
Details submitted in compliance with conditions 6,12,14,18,20 and 21 of planning permission 09/02309/FUL.
Ref. No: 10/00898/CND | Status: Withdrawn by Council
Details of materials, travel plan and artwork submitted in compliance with conditions 2,9 and 17 of planning permission 09/02309/FUL.
Ref. No: 10/01814/CND | Status: Withdrawn by Council
Replacement of existing boundary fencing to Highfield unit (retrospective).
Ref. No: 18/01750/FUL | Status: Approved
Erection of a single storey extension to provide 8no. bed Paediatric Intensive Care Unit. Provision of car parking, ambulance drop off and associated landscaping (additional information).
Ref. No: 20/01391/FUL | Status: Approved
Erection of a two storey annexe to the existing Highfield Unit to provide 8no. bed Paediatric Intensive Care Unit.
Ref. No: 21/00302/FUL | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with Condition 1 (Development begun within time limit), Condition 2 (Develop in accordance with approved plans), Condition 3 (samples), Condition 4 (bin and cycle storage), Condition 5 (electric vehicle charging points), Condition 6 (landscape plan required), Condition 7 (landscape completion), Condition 8 (TTP2), Condition 9 (AMS 2), Condition 10 (badgers) and Condition 11 (biodiversity enhancements) of planning permission 21/00302/FUL.
Ref. No: 21/00302/CND | Status: Approved in Part/Split Decision
Erection of part single part two storey building (Use Class C2) and storage pavilion. Provision of additional car parking, bin and cycle stores.
Ref. No: 21/03480/FUL | Status: Approved
Variation of condition 5 (Electric vehicle charging points) and removal of condition 9 (Biodiversity enhancements) of planning permission 21/03480/FUL to allow installation of 1no. EVC charging point and remove hedgehog holes from fence.
Ref. No: 22/01862/VAR | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with condition 11 (Thames Water) of planning permission 21/03480/FUL.
Ref. No: 21/03480/CND | Status: Approved
Erection of a single storey extension to the PICU unit. Provision of disabled parking bay, ambulance drop off point and bin and cycle stores. Alterations to landscaping.
Ref. No: 22/03083/FUL | Status: Withdrawn
Extension of existing security fencing.
Ref. No: 23/02156/FUL | Status: Approved
Planning Appeals (0)
Planning Enforcements (0)
Properties (0)
Building Control Applications (15)
Highfield Unit - Construction of single storey extension and sundry internal works.
Ref. No: 07/00149/OTHFPH | Status: Completed
New 8no. Bed unit for pediatric psychiatric intensive care unit with associated ancillary accommodation (there is no patient access allowed to the first floor), plant space to the roof including air handling plant and new gardens and parking. Works include new services, water, gas, elec, drainage etc, some connected to existing building adjacent.
Ref. No: 21/00341/OTHFP | Status: Completed
New 8no. Bed unit for pediatric psychiatric intensive care unit with associated ancillary accommodation, plant space to the roof including air handling plant and new gardens and parking. Works include new services, water, gas, elec, drainage etc, some connected to existing building adjacent.
Ref. No: 21/00341/OTHFP/A | Status: Withdrawn
New 8no. Bed unit for pediatric psychiatric intensive care unit with associated ancillary accommodation, plant space to the roof including air handling plant and new gardens and parking. Works include new services, water, gas, elec, drainage etc, some connected to existing building adjacent.
Ref. No: 21/00341/OTHFP/B | Status: Withdrawn
New 8no. Bed unit for pediatric psychiatric intensive care unit with associated ancillary accommodation, plant space to the roof including air handling plant and new gardens and parking. Works include new services, water, gas, elec, drainage etc, some connected to existing building adjacent.
Ref. No: 21/00341/OTHFP/C | Status: Withdrawn
New 8no. Bed unit for pediatric psychiatric intensive care unit with associated ancillary accommodation, plant space to the roof including air handling plant and new gardens and parking. Works include new services, water, gas, elec, drainage etc, some connected to existing building adjacent.
Ref. No: 21/00341/OTHFP/D | Status: Withdrawn
New 8no. Bed unit for pediatric psychiatric intensive care unit with associated ancillary accommodation, plant space to the roof including air handling plant and new gardens and parking. Works include new services, water, gas, elec, drainage etc, some connected to existing building adjacent.
Ref. No: 21/00341/OTHFP/E | Status: Withdrawn
New 8no. Bed unit for pediatric psychiatric intensive care unit with associated ancillary accommodation, plant space to the roof including air handling plant and new gardens and parking. Works include new services, water, gas, elec, drainage etc, some connected to existing building adjacent.
Ref. No: 21/00341/OTHFP/F | Status: Withdrawn
New 8no. Bed unit for pediatric psychiatric intensive care unit with associated ancillary accommodation, plant space to the roof including air handling plant and new gardens and parking. Works include new services, water, gas, elec, drainage etc, some connected to existing building adjacent.
Ref. No: 21/00341/OTHFP/G | Status: Withdrawn
New 8no. Bed unit for pediatric psychiatric intensive care unit with associated ancillary accommodation, plant space to the roof including air handling plant and new gardens and parking. Works include new services, water, gas, elec, drainage etc, some connected to existing building adjacent.
Ref. No: 21/00341/OTHFP/H | Status: Withdrawn
New 8no. Bed unit for pediatric psychiatric intensive care unit with associated ancillary accommodation, plant space to the roof including air handling plant and new gardens and parking. Works include new services, water, gas, elec, drainage etc, some connected to existing building adjacent.
Ref. No: 21/00341/OTHFP/I | Status: Withdrawn
New 8no. Bed unit for pediatric psychiatric intensive care unit with associated ancillary accommodation, plant space to the roof including air handling plant and new gardens and parking. Works include new services, water, gas, elec, drainage etc, some connected to existing building adjacent.
Ref. No: 21/00341/OTHFP/J | Status: Withdrawn
New 8no. Bed unit for pediatric psychiatric intensive care unit with associated ancillary accommodation, plant space to the roof including air handling plant and new gardens and parking. Works include new services, water, gas, elec, drainage etc, some connected to existing building adjacent.
Ref. No: 21/00341/OTHFP/K | Status: Withdrawn
New 8no. Bed unit for pediatric psychiatric intensive care unit with associated ancillary accommodation, plant space to the roof including air handling plant and new gardens and parking. Works include new services, water, gas, elec, drainage etc, some connected to existing building adjacent.
Ref. No: 21/00341/OTHFP/L | Status: Withdrawn
New 8no. Bed unit for pediatric psychiatric intensive care unit with associated ancillary accommodation, plant space to the roof including air handling plant and new gardens and parking. Works include new services, water, gas, elec, drainage etc, some connected to existing building adjacent.
Ref. No: 21/00341/OTHFP/M | Status: Plans Approved Conditionally