Planning Applications (12)
Change of use of part of ground floor from Class D1 (training) to Class B1 (offices)
Ref. No: 02/01243/FUL | Status: Approved
Redevelopment to provide public squares linked by arcade, shops, theatre, cinemas, public house (the Gloucester Arms retained), open air amphitheatre, bus/coach station, roof top parking, bicycle park, WCs, & related road improvement - Outline application
Ref. No: 79/00941/A_H | Status: Refused
Land at Gloucester Green - Listed Building Consent for demolition of unlisted buildings in a Conservation Area including former Municipal Restaurant building fronting Worcester Street.
Ref. No: 82/00666/L | Status: Approved
Outline application for new shops, flats, offices, extension to Arts Centre, bus station and change of use of car park to Public Open Space, including Open Market. Change of use of former Boys Central School to either public house, restaurant, offices or community/social use. Consequential modification of roads and footpaths within application site, including part of Gloucester Street.
Ref. No: 82/00667/NOH | Status: Approved
Construct new bus station, market square, offices, flats, shops and cafes, new entrance to George Street Arts Centre, public conveniences, bus station and market traders offices, bus station covered waiting area, underground car park with access to Gloucester Street and City Engineer's facilty. New pedestrian and vehciular access and alterations to existing.
Ref. No: 84/00281/NFH | Status: Approved
Land at Gloucester Green - Listed building consent for demolition of unlisted buildings in a Conservation Area including Greyhound P.H., left luggage office and adjoining temporary buildings, cafe, WCs, former Municipal restaurant & kiosk (fronting Gloucester Green)
Ref. No: 84/00282/LH | Status: Approved
Office Block facing Worcester Street George Street and Gloucester Green - Revocation of conditions 21 and 22 of planning permission NFH/281/84 (restricting use to firms, persons or organisations which have an operational need to be in the City)
Ref. No: 88/00539/VFH | Status: Approved
Four long narrow banners
Ref. No: 90/00853/AH | Status: Refused
Change of use of 3rd floor office suite to educational use Class D1 (c)
Ref. No: 90/01159/NFH | Status: Approved
Temporary change of use and variation of condition no.3 of permission 90/1159/NFH from education use (Class D) for Selnate Co. Ltd. To offices (Class B1)
Ref. No: 95/00636/NFH | Status: Approved
Temporary change of use of part of ground floor from Class B1 (offices) to training room.
Ref. No: 95/01799/NFH | Status: Approved
Erection of pole mounted antenna on roof of level 5. (East elevation of Unit 5)
Ref. No: 97/01905/NFH | Status: Approved
Planning Appeals (0)
Planning Enforcements (0)
Properties (0)
Building Control Applications (8)
GROUND FLOOR - Internal partition alterations
Ref. No: 02/00727/OTHFPO | Status: Completed
Internal partitioning and construction of two internal offices
Ref. No: 03/00075/OTHFPO | Status: Completed
Form opening in wall between 5 and 6 on first floor.
Ref. No: FP/94/0020 | Status: Building Work Started
First Floor - Changes to internal office partitions.
Ref. No: FP/94/0124 | Status: Building Work Started
Third Floor - Remove partition walls.
Ref. No: FP/97/0678 | Status: On Hold - Awaiting further information
THIRD FLOOR - Internal refurbishment of office
Ref. No: 99/00724/OTHFPO | Status: Building Work Started
Internal alterations
Ref. No: 08/00971/IN | Status: Completed
The conversion of a number of ground floor offices into a open plan office accommodation. 5 Worcester Street, Oxford OX1 2BX
Ref. No: 18/00912/IN | Status: Completed