Planning Applications (96)
L/B consent for alterations to internal layout of porters lodge & offices. Construction of new disabled access ramp in Quad with new glazed roof over existing services yard at rear to create new office space.
Ref. No: 00/01616/L | Status: Approved
Construction of new disabled access ramp in Quad with new glazed roof over existing services yard at rear to create new office space.
Ref. No: 00/01617/NFH | Status: Approved
Erection of portacabin for porters lodge for temporary period in the churchyard
Ref. No: 00/01784/NFH | Status: Approved
Prune trees in the Central Conservation Area.
Ref. No: 02/01578/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Fell sea buckthorn and prune yew in the Central Conservation Area.
Ref. No: 02/01940/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Listed Building consent for insertion of shower pod, with associated works within second floor bedroom stair 111/2.
Ref. No: 03/00909/LBC | Status: Approved
Extension at second floor level to provide lecture theatre, including new lift to serve new and existing accommodation (Amended plans)
Ref. No: 03/01025/FUL | Status: Approved
55/55A/56 High Street - Change of upper floor to university hostels
Ref. No: 57/06236/A_H | Status: Approved
Five garages with carpenter's shop over
Ref. No: 58/06639/A_H | Status: Approved
Change of use for university purposes
Ref. No: 58/07653/A_H | Status: Approved
Site of Old Forum Restaurant 55A High Street - Extension to hall premises comprising dining hall, kitchen, SCR suite, JCR suites, 2 No. blocks of study bedrooms
Ref. No: 65/15953/AA_H | Status: Approved
46-47 High Street - Outline application for demolition of 46 and 47 High Street and extension to St Edmund Hall
Ref. No: 65/15953/A_H | Status: Approved
Site of Old Forum Restaurant 55A High Street - Extension to hall premises comprising dining hall, kitchen, SCR suite, JCR suites, 2 No. blocks of study bedrooms (revised)
Ref. No: 67/15953/AB_H | Status: Approved
Site of Old Forum Restaurant 55A High Street - Extension to hall premises comprising dining hall, kitchen, SCR suite, JCR suite, 2 No. blocks of study bedrooms (revised)
Ref. No: 67/15953/AC_H | Status: Approved
St Peter in the East Library. Proposed change of use and alterations to church to provide library
Ref. No: 68/19980/A_H | Status: Approved
St Peter in the East Library. Erection of site notice board
Ref. No: 70/21417/L_H | Status: Withdrawn
Formation of a book stack and librarians room within the tower of St Peter in the East Church
Ref. No: 70/22242/A_H | Status: Approved
The formation of a book stack and librarians room within the tower of St Peter in the East Church
Ref. No: 70/22242/L_H | Status: Approved
Formation of new opening through the city wall to the south of bastion No 16
Ref. No: 70/22806/L_H | Status: Refused
Formation of lavatories in the basement under the old dining hall
Ref. No: 70/22844/A_H | Status: Approved
Conversion of the old basement kitchen - now redundant - into sanitary facilities for living accommodation in the front quadrangle
Ref. No: 70/22844/L_H | Status: Approved
Alterations to form medical room and guest room
Ref. No: 71/23748/A_H | Status: Approved
Alterations to form medical room and guest room
Ref. No: 71/23748/L_H | Status: Approved
Electric Winsor street lighting lanterns
Ref. No: 75/00871/LH_H | Status: Approved
Extension of existing college use to include accommodation for tourists during vacations using car parking space available at University Sports Centre, Iffley Road.
Ref. No: 77/00116/AH_H | Status: Approved
New window in existing study bedroom
Ref. No: 78/00103/LAH_H | Status: Approved
Erection of shelter for the parking of 40 bicycles in the churchyard (Amended Plans).
Ref. No: 84/00626/NFH | Status: Approved
Change of use from hotel to accommodation for undergraduates, resident Dean and resident caretaker. Use of undergraduate accommodation as guest house during June, July, August and September and October each year.
Ref. No: 86/00280/NFH | Status: Approved
Alterations to roof of Library (Amended Plans)
Ref. No: 86/00311/NFH | Status: Approved
Listed Building consent for alterations to roof of Library (Amended Plans)
Ref. No: 86/00312/L | Status: Approved
Listed Building consent for metal turnstile and gated security screen within arched entrance
Ref. No: 89/01288/L | Status: Approved
Metal turnstile and gated security screen within arched entrance
Ref. No: 89/01289/NFH | Status: Approved
Listed Building consent for alterations to Porter's Lodge
Ref. No: 90/00527/L | Status: Approved
Erection of portable unit to provide temporary porters lodge for duration of building works to existing lodge. Provision of associated temporary paving in Quadrangle
Ref. No: 90/00724/NFH | Status: Approved
Listed Building consent for erection of boiler house for College library (former Church of St. Peter in the East) including relocation of table tomb
Ref. No: 91/00969/L | Status: Withdrawn
Erection of boiler house for College library (former Church of St. Peter in the East) including relocation of table tomb.
Ref. No: 91/00970/NFH | Status: Withdrawn
Listed Building consent for fire precaution work
Ref. No: 91/01103/L | Status: Approved
Listed Building consent for installation of boiler plant in the tower
Ref. No: 92/00454/L | Status: Approved
Erection of pole mounted surveillance cameras
Ref. No: 94/00678/NFH | Status: Withdrawn
Listed building consent for fixing 2 windsor lanterns mounted on wall brackets to west elevation
Ref. No: 94/01433/L | Status: Approved
Listed Building consent for surveillance camera mounted at crenellated parapet level of the Principals Lodgings, West Range
Ref. No: 94/01434/L | Status: Approved
Listed Building consent for demolition of WC., college shop, and internal stair. Conversion of door to window. Infill extension at first floor and attic with integral alterations to provide 3 additional study bedrooms in Staircase 7.
Ref. No: 95/01199/L | Status: Approved
Conversion of door to window. Infill extension at first floor and attic to provide 3 additional study bedrooms in Staircase 7
Ref. No: 95/01200/NFH | Status: Approved
Five portable buildings to provide temporary porters lodge, office and teaching accommodation for 24 weeks while refurbishment works are carried out on Staircase 7
Ref. No: 95/01484/NFH | Status: Approved
Prune yew tree in the Central Conservation Area.
Ref. No: 96/00760/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Listed Building consent for 2 new mild steel gates in passages to church yard.
Ref. No: 97/01163/L | Status: Approved
Listed Building consent for internal alterations to upgrade accommodation and staircase together with re-roofing
Ref. No: 97/01164/L | Status: Approved
Three portable buildings to provide office/teaching accommodation for temporary period during works to college buildings.
Ref. No: 97/01677/NFH | Status: Withdrawn
Prune false acacia in the Central Conservation Area
Ref. No: 99/02110/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
THE CHURCHYARD; Erection of temporary office building for 16 weeks
Ref. No: 05/00761/FUL | Status: Withdrawn
Prune Magnolia and yew tree at St Edmund Hall, Queens Lane in the Central Conservation Area
Ref. No: 06/00202/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Erection of single storey building to provide a new lecture room with ancillary accommodation on the flat roof deck of the upper quad at the eastern end of the college site
Ref. No: 06/00768/FUL | Status: Approved
Prune x 8 yew trees and x 5 lime trees as specified by Robinsons Trees 09/11/06 letter at St Edmund Hall, New College, Queens Lane in the Central Conservation Area
Ref. No: 06/02324/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Planning permission for erection of life size bronze statue of St Edmund seated on a stone bench and associated ground works. Church yard of the former St Peter in the East, now college library.
Ref. No: 07/00061/FUL | Status: Approved
Siting of portable building for temporary period of 9 months
Ref. No: 07/01901/FUL | Status: Refused
Prune plane tree in the Central Conservation Area at St Edmund Hall, Queen's Lane.
Ref. No: 07/02648/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Fell Elder and prune group of Yew trees in the Central Conservation Area.
Ref. No: 11/03193/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Erection of a Gardner's office, greenhouse/coldframes, three storerooms and bicycle storage following removal of existing structures. (Amended Plans) (Amended Plans)
Ref. No: 12/03068/FUL | Status: Approved
Details submitted in accordance with condition 3 (materials) and 4 (tree protection) of planning permission 12/03068/FUL
Ref. No: 12/03068/CND | Status: Approved
Removal of draught barrier and replacement with glass vestibule in the Chapel.
Ref. No: 14/00819/LBC | Status: Refused
Provision of a disabled ramp to provide access to the rear quad and infilling of existing openings with double glazed curtain walling to match existing adjacent.
Ref. No: 14/01349/FUL | Status: Approved
Internal alterations to remove modern draught barrier and insert new glass and timber vestibule to chapel doorway.
Ref. No: 14/01667/LBC | Status: Withdrawn
Removal of the concrete paving in the front quad and re-paving with riven york stone.
Ref. No: 14/03007/FUL | Status: Approved
Fell 1no. Magnolia Grandiflora in the Central Conservation Area.
Ref. No: 15/00908/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Lift lower canopy by upto 4m, prune upper canopy by upto 3m London Plane Tree in the Central Conservation Area.
Ref. No: 15/03573/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Erection of a Gardner's office, greenhouse/coldframes, three storerooms and bicycle storage following removal of existing structures.
Ref. No: 16/00549/FUL | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with condition 3 of planning permission 16/00549/FUL
Ref. No: 16/00549/CND | Status: Approved
Prune line of Irish Yew trees (T1) in the Central Conservation Area.
Ref. No: 17/00207/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Alterations to the Old Dining Hall and the adjacent Pantry, the Old Library and the Chapel.
Ref. No: 17/01581/FUL | Status: Approved
Internal alterations to the Old Dining Hall to include repairs to plaster work and panelling and stone cleaning and pointing of window surrounds. Insertion of a higher level timber floor with platform lift to adjacent Pantry, with ventilation extract to north wall. Installation of air-handling unit in roof space of Old Library, and formation of display case and shelving unit to north wall. Installation of fitted joinery unit to the entrance of Old Library. Erection of glazed inner lobby to west doors of the Chapel with joinery repairs. Mechanical and electrical works.
Ref. No: 17/01582/LBC | Status: Approved
Prune (as specified by M Boys on application form/letter dated 12/06/17) 1no. Storax tree and 1no Irish Yew Tree in the central Conservation Area.
Ref. No: 17/01585/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Erection of sundial to be installed on the south elevation of the south porch.
Ref. No: 17/02783/FUL | Status: Approved
Erection of sundial to be installed on the south elevation of the south porch.
Ref. No: 17/02784/LBC | Status: Approved
Works to various trees as specified by Ringrose Tree Services in the Central Conservation Area.
Ref. No: 19/02107/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Erection of a stone plinth with brass plaque to the east of St Peter in the East Church's south porch. (Amended description and plans).
Ref. No: 19/02410/LBC | Status: Approved
Works to 1no. Japanese Snowball tree and 1no. Birch tree as specified by Sylvatrees Ltd in the Central Conservation Area.
Ref. No: 20/00192/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Works to various trees as specified by Sylvatrees Ltd in the Central Conservation Area.
Ref. No: 20/00201/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Details submitted in compliance with condition 2 (Develop in accordance with approved plans) and condition 3 (Submit location details) of planning permission 17/01581/FUL.
Ref. No: 17/01581/CND | Status: Approved in Part/Split Decision
Details submitted in compliance with condition 2 (LBC consent - approved plans), condition 4 (Retention of pantry door), condition 5 (Uncovering of historic features) and condition 7 (Further details - Old Dining Hall) of listed building consent 17/01582/LBC.
Ref. No: 17/01582/CND | Status: Pending Consideration
Installation of light fittings on the facades of the College Office and Staircase VIIl, in association with new lighting scheme for the Forum Garden. Replacement fan light at entrance of Staircase VIII
Ref. No: 20/00755/LBC | Status: Withdrawn
Formation of new ramp access with handrail and insertion of new steps to the Old Dining Hall. Insertion of 6no. spotlights to north elevation and 4no. spotlights to the south elevation of the Front Quad. (Amended plans and description).
Ref. No: 20/00961/FUL | Status: Approved
Formation of new ramp access with handrail and insertion of new steps to the Old Dining Hall. Insertion of 6no. spotlights to north elevation and 4no. spotlights to the south elevation of the Front Quad. (Amended description).
Ref. No: 20/00962/LBC | Status: Approved
Installation of light fittings on the facades of the College Office and Staircase VIIl, in association with new lighting scheme for the Forum Garden. Replacement fan light at entrance of Staircase VIII
Ref. No: 20/01163/FUL | Status: Approved
Installation of light fitting in the entrance to Staircase VIIl. Replacement fan light at entrance of Staircase VIII. (Amended description, amended plans).
Ref. No: 20/01164/LBC | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with conditions 3 (Material samples - ramp), 4 (Sample panel - ramp), 5 (Further details - railings) and 6 (Further details - door) of listed building consent 20/00962/LBC
Ref. No: 20/00962/CND | Status: Pending Consideration
Details submitted in compliance with conditions 4 (Sample panel - ramp), 5 (Large scale details - ramp) and 7 (Archeology) of planning permission 20/00961/FUL.
Ref. No: 20/00961/CND2 | Status: Approved
Works to 1no. Magnolia Tree as specified by Sylvatrees Ltd in the Central Conservation Area.
Ref. No: 21/00621/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Reconfigure the staircase handrail adjacent to the organ console, provision of secondary glazing to the stained glass window, lighting and heating upgrade.
Ref. No: 21/01698/LBC | Status: Approved
Fell 1no Holly Tree as specified by Sylvatrees Ltd in the Central conservation area.
Ref. No: 21/02085/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Fell no.1 Foxglove Tree (T23) and works no1 Cherry Tree (T25), 1no. Hornbeam Tree (T26), 1no. Holly Tree (T28), 1no. Western Red Cedar (T29) and 1no. Yew Tree (T32) as specified by Sylva Trees Ltd in the Central Conservation Area.
Ref. No: 21/03597/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Proposed internal refurbishment and alterations to the second floor of Staircase 4 including installation and reconfiguration of doors, replacement and additional sanitary facilities, secondary glazing and internal lining of external walls.
Ref. No: 22/00049/LBC | Status: Withdrawn
Installation of 1no. window guard to west elevation and lightning protection for the existing lead roof for the St Peter in the East building. (Amended Plans)
Ref. No: 23/02890/FUL | Status: Approved
Installation of a new window guard to west elevation and lightning protection for the existing lead roof for the St Peter in the East building. (Amended plans)
Ref. No: 23/02891/LBC | Status: Approved
Change of use and conversion of existing garden store and office into a café (Use Class E). Insertion of 1no. door to north elevation, 1no. window to south east elevation and removal of 1no. door and insertion of 1no. window to west elevation. Provision of external seating area.
Ref. No: 24/01868/FUL | Status: Pending Decision
Conversion of existing garden store and office into a café. Internal reconfigurations, lowering of flooring and alterations to fenestration. Provision of external seating area.
Ref. No: 24/01869/LBC | Status: Pending Consideration
Alterations and refurbishment to the timber screen enclosure of the Porter's Lodge. Works to include raising the sill height, installation of insulation boards, replacement of single glazing with double glazing,minor timber repairs, electrical wiring adjustments and installation of 2no. electrical sockets.
Ref. No: 24/02247/LBC | Status: Withdrawn
Planning Appeals (0)
Planning Enforcements (0)
Properties (0)
Building Control Applications (11)
Alterations to internal layout of porters lodge and offices construction of new disabled ramp and new glazed roof over existing services to create new office space
Ref. No: 00/01425/OTHFPC | Status: Completed
Installation of new boiler plant in the Tower of the College Library.
Ref. No: FP/92/791 | Status: Building Work Started
Removal of 2No. showers and form boiler plant room in area below old Dining Hall.
Ref. No: FP/92/1400 | Status: APP
STAIRCASE 7 - Infill building to provide 3No. study bedrooms. Repairs to existing 2No. study bedrooms.
Ref. No: FP/95/0914 | Status: Completed
STAIRCASE 5 - Alterations and improvement to the Staircase and refurbishment of building
Ref. No: 97/01306/OTHFPC | Status: Completed
Erection of a single storey building to provide a new lecture room with ancillary accommodation on the flat roof.
Ref. No: 07/00399/IN | Status: Completed
Roof extension to SCR to form classroom
Ref. No: 08/00023/IN | Status: Completed
Rear quad, glazed screen and access ramp
Ref. No: 14/00823/IN | Status: Accepted
Refurbishment of the Old Dining Hall and servery including new entry ramp.
Ref. No: 20/00102/OTHFP | Status: Completed
Conversion of ground floor (no. 55) from retail to offices
Ref. No: 22/00558/IN | Status: Completed
Basement tanking for archive store and WC, ground floor alterations for offices.
Ref. No: 23/00363/IN | Status: Accepted
Licensing (19)
Ian Anderson
Ref. No: 01/00313/PEL | Status: Licence Expired
Ian Anderson
Ref. No: 02/00259/PEL | Status: Licence Expired
Ref. No: 02/00286/THEOCC | Status: Licence Expired
Nigel James
Ref. No: 03/00178/TRPEL | Status: Licence Expired
Ref. No: 03/00391/PEL | Status: Licence Expired
Mon to Fri 1900 to 2330 Sat-Sun 1200-2330
Ref. No: 96/00038/PEL | Status: Licence Expired
Ref. No: 04/00399/THEOCC | Status: Licence Expired
Ref. No: 04/00439/PEL | Status: Licence Expired
Premises Licence
Ref. No: 05/01590/PREM | Status: Current Licence
Ref. No: 05/01620/PEL | Status: Licence Expired
Ref. No: 06/00217/TEN | Status: Current Licence
Temporary Event Notice for St Edmund Hall, for a Wedding reception on 19/07/09 from 18.00 hrs until 23.59 hrs for 50 people with entertainment and sale of alcohol.
Ref. No: 09/00585/TEN | Status: Current Licence
Temporary Event Notice for St Edmund Hall for a Wedding reception on 11/09/2009 from 18.00 hrs until 23.59 hrs for 100 people with sale of alcohol and entertainment.
Ref. No: 09/00586/TEN | Status: Current Licence
Temporary Event Notice for St Edmund Hall, Queens Lane, for Alumni reunion and Principal's retirement on 27/06/09 from 18.00 hrs until 01.00 hrs on 28/06/09 with sale of alcohol and entertainment for 270 people.
Ref. No: 09/00607/TEN | Status: Current Licence
Temporary Event Notice for St Edmund Hall, a college Boat house, Eight Weeks on the River from 23-26 May 2012 from 12:00 hrs to 19:00 hrs with sale of alcohol, supply of alcohol by or on behalf of a club to, or to the order of a member of the club, and provision of regulated entertainment for 75 people.
Ref. No: 12/02040/TEN | Status: Current Licence
Temporary Event Notice - for eights week on the river on 23/05/2013 to 25/05/2013 from 12.00 hours to 19.00 hrs each day for 75 people
Ref. No: 13/01071/TEN | Status: Current Licence
Temporary Event Notice for a Alumni reunion on 14/09/13 from 18.00 hrs to 00.30 hrs with sale of alcohol and refreshment for 60 people.
Ref. No: 13/02231/TEN | Status: Current Licence
Temporary Event Notice for a Alumni reunion on 21/09/13 from 18.00 hrs to 00.30 hrs with sale of alcohol and refreshment for 60 people.
Ref. No: 13/02235/TEN | Status: Current Licence
Temporary Event Notice - Late TEN for student BOP with sale of alcohol and provision of regulated entertainment for 350 persons on 19.10.2019 to 20.10.2019 between 20:00hrs and 02:00hrs
Ref. No: 19/04127/TEN | Status: Current Licence
Licensing Application (4)
Mr G Bourne-Taylor
Ref. No: 00/00261/PEL | Status: Licence Expired
Ref. No: 97/00248/PEL | Status: Licence Expired
Ref. No: 98/00214/PEL | Status: Licence Expired
Mr G Bourne-Taylor
Ref. No: 99/00372/PEL | Status: Pending Decision