Planning Applications (8)
First floor extension to form office.
Ref. No: 75/01020/A_H | Status: Approved
Two storey rear extension.
Ref. No: 97/01251/NF | Status: Approved
Proposal to use premises as a nail bar retailing beauty products.
Ref. No: 11/01577/PDC | Status: Permission not Required
Change of use from A1 to A3.
Ref. No: 11/02603/PDC | Status: Permission Required
Display of 1 x non illuminated fascia sign and 1 x non illuminated projecting sign
Ref. No: 12/00126/ADV | Status: Approved
Erection of a second floor extension on existing flat roof to create 2 x 2-bed and 1 x 1-bed dwellings (Use Class C3). Provision of bin and bicycle store in ground floor lobby area.
Ref. No: 18/02906/FUL | Status: Refused
Erection of a second floor extension on existing flat roof to create 2 x 2-bed and 1 x 1-bed dwellings (Use Class C3) to include 2no. balconies to the rear and 1no. balcony to the front. Provision of bin store to rear and cycle storage to ground floor lobby area.
Ref. No: 19/00552/FUL | Status: Approved
Change of use of first floor from Retail (Use Class A1) to 1 x 2 bed dwelling (Use Class C3). Provision of bin and cycle stores including formation of screening. (amended plans and amended red line site boundary)
Ref. No: 23/01714/FUL | Status: Approved
Planning Appeals (0)
Planning Enforcements (0)
Properties (0)
Building Control Applications (11)
Erection of two storey extension for rest room, office, stores and WC
Ref. No: 98/00119/OTHFPX | Status: Plans Rejected
Erection of two storey extension for rest room, office, stores and WC
Ref. No: 98/00378/OTHFPX | Status: Section 32 Notice
Internal alterations and refurbishment to existing retail unit to create Sue Ryder Charity Shop
Ref. No: 12/00094/IN | Status: Completed
Install a gas-fired boiler
Ref. No: GASAFE/17/00098 | Status: Building Work Complete
New full electrical installation (new build)
Ref. No: NICEIC/17/02173 | Status: Building Work Complete
New full electrical installation (new build)
Ref. No: NICEIC/17/03145 | Status: Building Work Complete
New full electrical installation (new build)
Ref. No: NICEIC/17/03146 | Status: Building Work Complete
New full electrical installation (new build)
Ref. No: NICEIC/17/03148 | Status: Building Work Complete
New full electrical installation (new build)
Ref. No: NICEIC/17/03149 | Status: Building Work Complete
Erection of a second floor extension on existing flat roof to create 2x 2 bed and 1 x 1 bed dwellings (Use Class C3) to include 2no balconies to the rear and 1 no balcony to the front. Provision of bin store to rear and cycle storage to ground floor lobby area at 2a 2b and 2c Windmill Road.
Ref. No: 22/00406/IN | Status: Accepted
Install one or more new circuits
Ref. No: NICEIC/24/08101 | Status: Building Work Complete