Planning Applications (22)
297-301 London Road - Fascia
Ref. No: 48/00005/P_H | Status: TEM
297 London Road - Extensions.
Ref. No: 49/00582/A_H | Status: Approved
Change of use from 1 no flat to 5 no bedsitting rooms.
Ref. No: 74/01173/A_H | Status: Approved
295-301 London Road - Change of use of ground floor from supermarket, stores and offices to retail outlet, offices and ancillary stores.
Ref. No: 78/01031/A_H | Status: Approved
295-301 London Road - Alteration to elevations. (Change of use approved under application. A1031/78.)
Ref. No: 79/00455/A_H | Status: Approved
Rear of 295-301 London Road - Single garage
Ref. No: 81/00326/NF | Status: Approved
295-301 London Road - Erection of fuel storage tank
Ref. No: 88/00533/NF | Status: Refused
295-301 London Road - Erection of fuel storage tank on concrete pillars, (retrospective) and 2 metre high brick screen wall.
Ref. No: 88/01091/NF | Status: Approved
295-301 London Road - Removal of condition 5 of approval NF/1091/88 which requires planting to be provided on western boundary.
Ref. No: 89/01016/VF | Status: Approved
Part change of use of ground floor from Class A1 retail use to Class D1 place of worship. Provision of 10 car parking spaces to rear.
Ref. No: 11/03101/FUL | Status: Withdrawn
Change of use of ground floor from class B1 to class D1 (place of worship). Provision of 10 car parking spaces at rear. New entrance to London Road frontage.
Ref. No: 12/00990/FUL | Status: Approved
Change of use of existing ground floor office to provide 1x5 bed house of multiple occupancy (Use Class C4 HMO). (Retrospective)
Ref. No: 12/01978/FUL | Status: Refused
Demolition of rear garage and erection of single storey rear extension. Change of use of office accommodation to form 1 x 2 bedroom flat (Class C3). Provision of associated amenity space. Alterations to vehicle and cycle parking.
Ref. No: 13/01127/FUL | Status: Approved
Erection of replacement single storey rear store. Sub-division of existing offices (Use Class B1) into 2 x shops (Use Class A1).
Ref. No: 14/00623/FUL | Status: Refused
Sub-division of existing offices (Use Class B1) into 2 x shops (Use Class A1).
Ref. No: 14/01741/FUL | Status: Approved
Demolition of existing garage. Erection of garage and waste storage area.
Ref. No: 15/03411/FUL | Status: Approved
Conversion of existing offices into two shops.
Ref. No: 17/03142/FUL | Status: Approved
Outline application with all matters reserved apart from scale and access for the demolition of existing two storey building comprising offices at ground floor level and 2 x 1-bed flats at first floor level and its replacement with a three-storey building comprising eight flats (2 x 1-bed flats, 4 x 2-bed flats and 2 x 3-bed flats) along with access to the rear at the site (serving a car park belonging to the adjacent Sikh Temple). Provision bin and cycle storage and private amenity space.
Ref. No: 19/00305/OUT | Status: Withdrawn
Demolition of exisiting two storey building. Erection of a part two, part three storey building to create 5 x 2 bed and 2 x 1 bed flats. Provision of bin and cycle storage along with private amenity space. Re-provision of the existing Sikh Gurdwara including additional floor space at first floor level. (Amended plans)
Ref. No: 20/00856/FUL | Status: Approved
Change of Use of Ground Floor to create 3 x 1-bed flats (Use Class C3), Erection of a First Floor Rear Extension and Conversion of Existing 1 x1-bed flat into a 1 x 2-bed flat and Creation of 2 x 1-bed flats (Use Class C3) to Second floor. Provision or car parking and bin and cycle storage.
Ref. No: 22/02475/FUL | Status: Withdrawn
Removal of existing portacabin. Erection of single storey rear extension.(amended plans and additional design and access statement)
Ref. No: 23/02812/FUL | Status: Pending Consideration
Retention of static caravan for a temporary period of 5 years (Retrospective)
Ref. No: 24/02200/FUL | Status: Pending Consideration
Planning Appeals (1)
Change of use of existing ground floor office to provide 1x5 bed house of multiple occupancy (Use Class C4 HMO). (Retrospective)
Ref. No: 13/00016/REFUSE | Status: Appeal withdrawn
Planning Enforcements (1)
Enforcement Enquiry
Ref. No: 12/00447/ENF | Status: Case Closed
Properties (0)
Building Control Applications (3)
Electrical work
Ref. No: 06/03188/COMPET | Status: Accepted
Extension to circuit (in kitchen special location/ installation)
Ref. No: ELECSA/10/00881 | Status: Building Work Complete
Structural internal alterations to convert office space into two commercial shops and alter shop front fenestration.
Ref. No: 15/00791/IN | Status: Accepted