Planning Applications (9)
Conversion into maisonettes and flat with alterations
Ref. No: 58/07036/A_H | Status: Approved
Change of use from retail shop to Patisserie for preparation and sale of hot food. Rear extension to provide staff toilet.
Ref. No: 80/00504/NFH | Status: Approved
Change of use of basement from ancillary retail storage to kitchen, to extend existing basement kitchen in No. 3 Woodstock Road serving Maison Blanc
Ref. No: 86/00821/NFH | Status: Approved
Alterations to existing shop front (Amended Plans)
Ref. No: 90/00009/NFH | Status: Appeal Dismissed
Illuminated shop fascia sign and hanging projecting sign at first floor level
Ref. No: 90/00010/AH | Status: Refused
Removal of existing UPVC shop front and replacement with timber-framed glazed shop front. Installation of new retractable canopy.
Ref. No: 08/01313/FUL | Status: Approved
Display of adverts, 1x external illuminated fascia sign, 1x non-illuminated projecting sign and 1x externally illuminated canopy sign.
Ref. No: 08/01316/ADV | Status: Approved
Removal of 6no. existing air conditioning condensers and installation of 6no. Air conditioning condensers to rear elevation. Alterations to front elevation including removal of 1no. awning and painting of panelling and window frames.
Ref. No: 23/00777/FUL | Status: Approved
Display of 1no. externally illuminated fascia sign and 1no. externally illuminated projecting sign. Display of 4no. non-illuminated vinyl signs and 1no. poster.
Ref. No: 23/00778/ADV | Status: Approved
Planning Appeals (0)
Planning Enforcements (0)
Properties (0)
Building Control Applications (3)
Internal alterations to increase sales area
Ref. No: 01/01193/IN | Status: Pending Consideration
Internal alterations, fit out and associated works to form new cafe.
Ref. No: 08/00797/IN | Status: Completed
Fit out to form a new Patisserie Valerie.Patisserie Holdings PLC
Ref. No: 17/00766/IN | Status: Accepted
Licensing (3)
Ref. No: 05/01243/PREM | Status: Licence Surrendered
Application to vary the Premises Licence 05/01243/PREM To allow for the sale and consumption of alcohol on and off the premises Monday to Sunday 0800 to 2000 hours.
Ref. No: 07/01018/PREM | Status:
Premises Licence for a coffee shop with the following licensable activities: Sale of Alcohol Sunday to Saturday 08:00 hours to 21:00 hours Recorded Music Sunday to Saturday 07:00 hours to 21:00 hours
Ref. No: 21/03432/PREM | Status: