Planning Applications (15)
Non illuminated sales sign
Ref. No: 00/01797/A | Status: Approved
Private petrol pump and tank (Formerlly munbered 1 Hayfield Road)
Ref. No: 57/06102/A_H | Status: Approved
Demolition of existing office block and storage building and erection of a new 2 storey office building
Ref. No: 64/15705/A_H | Status: Approved
Stores, builders yard and car park (Formerlly numbered 1 Hayfield Road)
Ref. No: 72/00019/EUC_H | Status: PDV
Outline application for erection of new auction sales room - car parking and new access
Ref. No: 72/26327/A_H | Status: Approved
Alterations to existing building including erections of new external staircase and curtain walling (Formerlly numbered 1 Hayfield Road).
Ref. No: 73/00531/A_H | Status: Approved
Erection of new 3 storey building to form extensions to existing offices including alterations to existing building - Phase 2.
Ref. No: 73/00548/A_H | Status: Refused
2 storey extension to existing building to provide additional offices
Ref. No: 75/00745/A_H | Status: Refused
Listed building consent for demolition of enclosed staircase (part of unlisted building in a Conservation Area)
Ref. No: 86/01260/LH | Status: Approved
Two storey extension to form reception area and two studios
Ref. No: 86/01261/NFH | Status: Approved
Prune (reduce the lower limbs to give clearance) Weeping Willow tree in the North Oxford Victorian Suburb Conservation Area.
Ref. No: 09/02790/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Prune x1 Willow tree (crown reduction by 4m, crown lift by 3m to clear traffic light and roadway) in the North Oxford Victorian Suburb Conservation Area.
Ref. No: 13/02940/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Prune 1No Weeping Willow Tree (T1) in the North Oxford Victorian Suburb Conservation Area.
Ref. No: 15/03661/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Tag 1no. Weeping Willow tree and consider crown reduction in the North Oxford Victorian Suburb Conservation Area.
Ref. No: 16/00061/ENT | Status: Raise no Objection
Demolition of Aristotle House. Erection of four storey building to provide office space (Use Class B1) at basement, ground and first floor levels and formation of 2 x 2-bed flats (Use Class C3) above. Erection of 4 x 4-bed terraced dwellings (Use Class C3). Formation of access from Kingston Road. Provision of car parking and bin/cycle storage.
Ref. No: 16/01789/FUL | Status: Approved
Planning Appeals (0)
Planning Enforcements (0)
Properties (0)
Building Control Applications (1)
Erection of two storey extension to existing offices to provide studio space.
Ref. No: 87/00398/BC_H | Status: Plans Rejected