Planning Applications (18)
Site of Horwood Close -- Demolition of existing house. Multi-storey block or block of flats with garages. Outline only
Ref. No: 62/12899/A_H | Status: Approved
1-25 and 33-39 (incl) - Outline application for the demolition of existing dwelling house and erection of 32 three storey dwelling houses 1-5 storey block of 15 flats and 52 garages for private cars (revised)
Ref. No: 64/15192/AA_H | Status: Approved
Site of 1-25 and 33-39 (incl) - Outline application for 21 two storey houses 12 three storey houses and 1 block of eight storey flats and 43 garages for private cars.
Ref. No: 64/15192/A_H | Status: Refused
1-25 and 33-39 (incl) - Demolition of existing building and erection of 32 houses and garages for private cars
Ref. No: 65/15192/AB_H | Status: Approved
Site of Horwood Close - Outline application for a block of 15 flats in 3 storey development with hard standing for 15 cars
Ref. No: 65/15192/AC_H | Status: Approved
1-25 and 33-39 (incl) - Demolition of existing building and erection of 32 houses and garages
Ref. No: 65/15192/AD_H | Status: Approved
1-25 and 33-39 (incl) - Revised layout for 32 dwelling houses
Ref. No: 65/15192/AE_H | Status: Approved
1-25 and 33-39 (incl) - Revised layout for 32 dwelling houses
Ref. No: 66/15192/AG_H | Status: Approved
Site of Horwood Close - Four storey block of 14 two bedrooms flats and 2 bachelor flats with 6 garages and 10 car parking spaces
Ref. No: 66/17175/A_H | Status: Refused
Site of Horwood Close - 12 two bedroom flats 2 three bedroom flats 1 bachelor flat and 6 garages for private cars
Ref. No: 66/17330/A_H | Status: Approved
Conversion of garage to habitable room
Ref. No: 99/00819/P | Status: Permission not Required
Site of Horwood Close - 49 flats, garages and parking spaces
Ref. No: 61/10891/A_H | Status: Approved
1-25 and 33-39 (incl) Horwood Close - Balustrading (revised).
Ref. No: 65/15192/EA_H | Status: Approved
Outline application for erection of a five storey block of flats with garages and parking spaces.
Ref. No: 63/12899/A_H | Status: Refused
Prune (to remove lowest branch extending towards The Dial House, 25 London Road) Beech tree referenced T.8 on the Oxford City Council - Horwood Close (No1.) TPO, 2004.
Ref. No: 11/02118/TPO | Status: Approved
Remove 3-4 low branches of Beech Tree(T1) and reduce crown of 1No. Maple (T2) by 2m as identified in the Oxford City Council - Horwood Close (No. 1) Tree Preservation Order 2004..
Ref. No: 17/00904/TPO | Status: Declined to Determine
Reduce crown by 2m and remove ivy in relation to 1no. Maple tree. Remove lower branches of 1no. Beech tree as identified in City of Oxford Headington Road and London Road Tree Preservation Order 1961.
Ref. No: 17/01184/TPO | Status: Approved
Application to certify that the existing use of dwelling as House in Multiple Occupation (Use Class C4) is lawful development.
Ref. No: 21/01399/CEU | Status: Approved
Planning Appeals (0)
Planning Enforcements (0)
Properties (0)
Building Control Applications (28)
Conversion of garage into habitable room
Ref. No: 99/00784/OTHBNX | Status: Completed
Electrical work done as notified by NICEIC
Ref. No: 06/04238/COMPET | Status: Accepted
1. Circuit alteration or addition in a kitchen/special location
Ref. No: ELECSA/10/02851 | Status: Building Work Complete
1. Circuit alteration or addition in a kitchen/special location
Ref. No: ELECSA/10/03317 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/00252 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/00318 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/00384 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/00450 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/00528 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/00606 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/00705 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/00835 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/00995 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/01165 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/01353 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/01541 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/01763 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/02007 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/02264 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/02538 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/02834 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/03172 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/03530 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/03890 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/04250 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/04656 | Status: Building Work Complete
7 Windows
Ref. No: FENSA/14/05082 | Status: Building Work Complete
Install a gas-fired boiler
Ref. No: GASAFE/22/00037 | Status: Building Work Complete
Licensing (2)
HMO Licence
Ref. No: 20/02495/HMOLIC | Status: Current Licence
HMO Licence
Ref. No: 23/04494/HMOMAN | Status: Current Licence