Planning Applications (11)
Outline application for residential development on unused land and tennis court
Ref. No: 63/13115/A_H | Status: Approved
Outline application for the erection of 16 dwelling houses and garages and parking spaces for private cars (revised)
Ref. No: 64/13805/AB_H | Status: Approved
Erection of 14 two storey dwelling house and 12 garages for private cars
Ref. No: 64/13805/AC_H | Status: Approved
Erection of 13 two storey dwelling houses and 14 garages for private cars and two hard standings (revised)
Ref. No: 66/13805/AE_H | Status: Approved
Prune sycamore in the North Ooxford Victorian Suburb Conservation Area at 8 Benson Place
Ref. No: 99/01147/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Fell Snakebark Maple, birch and privet trees in the North Oxford Victorian Suburb Conservation Area at 8 Benson Place.
Ref. No: 08/01697/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Refurbishment of existing dwelling to include solar panels to the rear, new window opening to the side of first floor and ground floor elevation and first floor of front elevation
Ref. No: 11/01927/FUL | Status: Approved
Installation of external wall insulation and extension of roof to front, side and rear elevations.
Ref. No: 12/02856/PDC | Status: Permission Required
Installation of external wall insulation with brick cladding to south and west elevations. Erection of roof extensions to south and west. Insertion of 2No. window openings to south elevation and 1No. window opening to east elevation. Installation of 1No. solar thermal collector to west facing roofslope and 1No. solar thermal collector to east facing roofslope.
Ref. No: 13/00835/FUL | Status: Approved
Prune 1No Cherry Tree and 1No Holly Tree in the North Oxford Victorian Suburb Conservation Area.
Ref. No: 15/00233/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Works to 1no. Holly tree as specified by Tim Nicholson in the Oxford City Council North Oxford Victorian Suburb Conservation Area.
Ref. No: 19/01182/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Planning Appeals (0)
Planning Enforcements (0)
Properties (0)
Building Control Applications (12)
Electrical work
Ref. No: 05/02024/COMPET | Status: Accepted
1 Window 1 Door
Ref. No: FENSA/09/06579 | Status: Building Work Complete
Make opening in lounge for new window and fit catnic lintel.
Ref. No: 10/00063/OTHBNX | Status: Completed
Installation of Cavity Wall Insulation
Ref. No: CIGA/11/05103 | Status: Building Work Complete
Installation/alteration of a generator/solar voltaic system
Ref. No: NICEIC/12/05718 | Status: Building Work Complete
Low energy refurbishment.
Ref. No: 13/00851/DALBN | Status: Building Work Started
New full electrical installation (new build)
Ref. No: ELECSA/14/09052 | Status: Building Work Complete
Install a photovoltaic system
Ref. No: ELECSA/15/08608 | Status: Building Work Complete
Install one or more new circuits
Ref. No: NICEIC/16/01413 | Status: Building Work Complete
Install a photovoltaic system
Ref. No: ELECSA/19/05625 | Status: Building Work Complete
Install an air source heat pump
Ref. No: NAPIT/24/06494 | Status: Building Work Complete
Install an air source heat pump Install one or more new circuits
Ref. No: NICEIC/24/06880 | Status: Building Work Complete