Planning Applications (15)
Fell lime tree in the North Oxford Victorian Suburb Conservation Area.
Ref. No: 01/01221/CAT | Status: Raise Objection
Fell lime tree referenced T1 on the Oxford City Council - Belbroughton Road (no.1) TPO, 2001 at 2 Belbroughton Road
Ref. No: 01/01660/TPO | Status: Refused
Demolition of garage and single storey extension. Two storey extension incorporating double garage at ground floor and self contained one bedroomed flat above
Ref. No: 02/01092/FUL | Status: Refused
Private garage
Ref. No: 50/01473/A_H | Status: PDV
Demolition of garage and single storey side extension. Two storey side extension and garage.
Ref. No: 04/01293/FUL | Status: Approved
Prune lime tree and cherry tree in the NOVS Conservation Area at 2 Belbroughton Road, Oxford
Ref. No: 04/02370/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Prune lime tree (remove and reduce low lateral branches as required to facilitate adjacent building extension) referenced T1 on the OCC - Belbroughton Road (No.1) TPO, 2001 at 2 Belbroughton Road (standing beside garage)
Ref. No: 04/02371/TPO | Status: Approved
Demolition of existing garage. Erection of 2 storey and single storey extension at the side and rear and single storey extension at the side to form a garage (retrospective)
Ref. No: 05/01362/FUL | Status: Approved
Prune 1no Lime tree as identified in the Oxford City Council - Belbroughton Road (No.1) Tree Preservation Order 2001.
Ref. No: 15/02689/TPO | Status: Approved
Remove 1no. Cherry tree in the North Oxford Victorian Suburb Conservation Area.
Ref. No: 18/02033/CAT | Status: Raise no Objection
Works to 1no. Lime Tree as specified by Mr James Prior as identified in the Oxford City Council - Belbroughton Road (No.1) Tree Preservation Order 2001
Ref. No: 19/02194/TPO | Status: Approved
Demolition of existing curved rear extension. Erection of a single storey rear extension. Conversion of garage to habitable space and replacement of 1no. garage door with 1no. window to front elevation and alterations to 1no. door to rear elevation. Formation of rear garden shed and boundary wall to front elevation. Removal of 1no. rooflight. Alterations to fenestration and landscaping (amended plans and description).
Ref. No: 23/02143/FUL | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with condition 4 (Joinery Details) of planning permission 23/02143/FUL.
Ref. No: 23/02143/CND | Status: Approved
Details submitted in compliance with condition 5 (Rendered finish) of planning permission 23/02143/FUL
Ref. No: 23/02143/CND2 | Status: Approved
Non-Material amendment to planning permission 23/02143/FUL to allow changes to window frame colour
Ref. No: 23/02143/NMA | Status: Refused
Planning Appeals (0)
Planning Enforcements (0)
Properties (0)
Building Control Applications (5)
Erection of extension
Ref. No: 05/00394/DEXBN | Status: Completed
Installation of cavity wall insulation
Ref. No: 06/00134/CF | Status: Received
Install one or more new circuits
Ref. No: ELECSA/14/11512 | Status: Building Work Complete
Install a gas-fired boiler
Ref. No: GASAFE/19/03776 | Status: Building Work Complete
Single storey rear extension, garage conversation, internal reconfiguration to ground floor and first floor layouts with replacement windows where required and associated works
Ref. No: 23/01043/IN | Status: Accepted