100121298472 | 109 London Road Headington Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 9HZ
Name Constraint Type Description
RC.4 - DISTRICT SHOPPING FRONTAGE Secondary Shopping Oxford Local Plan 2001-2016 Policy RC.4 - District Shopping Frontage
TR.3, TR.12 - CAR PARKING STANDARDS Transport District Area Oxford Local Plan 2001-2016 Policy TR.3 - Car Parking Standards; and TR.12 - Private Non-residential Parking
CS1 Hierarchy Of Centres - District Centres Hierarchy of Centres Oxford Core Strategy 2026 - CS1 Hierarchy of Centres - District Centres
Headington Neighbourhood Plan Area Headington Neighbourhood Plan Area Area in which Headington Neighbourhood Plan Policies Apply
The City Of Oxford Smoke Control Order No. 23 Smoke Control Area The City of Oxford Smoke Control Order No. 23 under Section 11 of the Clean Air Act 1956.

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