100120842462 | 10 West Street Oxford Oxfordshire OX2 0BQ
Name Constraint Type Description
CS11; WE14 - Flooding Flood Plain Oxford Core Strategy 2026 - CS11 Flooding
HE.9 - HIGH BUILDING AREAS High Build Area - City Centre Oxford Local Plan 2001-2016 Policy HE.9 - Restriction on High Buildings Area
HE.7 - CONSERVATION AREAS Conservation Areas Oxford Local Plan 2001 - 2016 HE.7 - Conservation Areas
The Osney Town Article 4 Direction 1993 Article 4 The Osney Town Article 4 Direction 1993 made under Article 4 of the Town and Country Planning General Development Order 1988 on 13th May 1993 and approved by the Secretary of State on 29th September 1993.
Osney Town Conservation Area Osney Town Conservation Area, designated on 16th July 1976 under Section 277 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1971 (formerly Civic Amenities Act 1967).

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