100120842366 | 1 Wellington Square Oxford Oxfordshire OX1 2JA
Name Constraint Type Description
HE.9 - HIGH BUILDING AREAS High Build Area - City Centre Oxford Local Plan 2001-2016 Policy HE.9 - Restriction on High Buildings Area
TR.3, TR.11, TR.12 - CAR PARKING STANDARDS Transport Central Area Oxford Local Plan 2001-2016 Policy TR.3 - Car Parking Standards; TR.11 - City Centre Car Parking; and TR.12 - Private Non-residential Parking
HE.7 - CONSERVATION AREAS Conservation Areas Oxford Local Plan 2001 - 2016 HE.7 - Conservation Areas
CS1 Hierarchy Of Centres - City Centre Commercial Area Hierarchy of Centres Oxford Core Strategy 2026 - CS1 Hierarchy Of Centres - City Centre Commercial Area
Central Conservation Area Central Conservation Area, designated under Section 277 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1971 on 5th April 1971 and extended on 28th May 1974, 23rd February 1981, 29th April 1985 and 9th December 1998 and 31st May 2019.

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