Planning – Enforcement Details

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02/00445/ENF | Alleged unauthorised sud-division of a single dwelling house into two flats. Planning Contravention Notice issued. | 10 Horwood Close Headington Oxford OX3 7RF
Reference: 02/00445/ENF
Alternative Reference: 02/00445/INV
Address: 10 Horwood Close Headington Oxford OX3 7RF
Status: Case Closed
Type: Enforcement Case
Decision Reason:
Close Reason: Case Closed
Case Officer: Melanie Mutch
How Complaint Received: Letter
Nature of Complaint: Alleged unauthorised sud-division of a single dwelling house into two flats. Planning Contravention Notice issued.

There are 0 documents associated with this enforcement.

There are 2 cases associated with this enforcement.

There is 1 property associated with this enforcement.

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