Planning – Application Summary

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19/01038/NMA2 | Non-material amendment to planning permission 19/01038/FUL to allow alteration to block A to include; alterations to balconies and support posts added, guarding rail to new AOV and roof hatch positions, common Stair Cores re-configured, new egress/access doors to the upper levels, windows raised due to reconfiguration of stair cores, curtain walling replaced with punch hole windows with polyester powder coated metal panels between and perforated wall feature omitted for SBD approval. Alterations to block B to include; Common stair cores re-configured, new egress/access doors to the upper levels, windows raised due to reconfiguration of stair cores, new egress/access doors to the upper levels, curtain walling replaced with punch hole windows with polyester powder coated metal panels between. Alterations to block C to include; Introduction of internal Smoke shaft and external roof vent, balcony inset to have vertical stack brick bond brick, curtain walling replaced with punch hole windows with polyester powder coated metal panels between and alterations to stores and doors. | Ivy Lane Osler Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 9DT
Reference 19/01038/NMA2
Alternative Reference PP-11936950
Application Received Thu 02 Mar 2023
Application Validated Thu 02 Mar 2023
Address Ivy Lane Osler Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 9DT
Proposal Non-material amendment to planning permission 19/01038/FUL to allow alteration to block A to include; alterations to balconies and support posts added, guarding rail to new AOV and roof hatch positions, common Stair Cores re-configured, new egress/access doors to the upper levels, windows raised due to reconfiguration of stair cores, curtain walling replaced with punch hole windows with polyester powder coated metal panels between and perforated wall feature omitted for SBD approval. Alterations to block B to include; Common stair cores re-configured, new egress/access doors to the upper levels, windows raised due to reconfiguration of stair cores, new egress/access doors to the upper levels, curtain walling replaced with punch hole windows with polyester powder coated metal panels between. Alterations to block C to include; Introduction of internal Smoke shaft and external roof vent, balcony inset to have vertical stack brick bond brick, curtain walling replaced with punch hole windows with polyester powder coated metal panels between and alterations to stores and doors.
Status Decided
Decision Approved
Decision Issued Date Mon 20 Mar 2023
Appeal Status Unknown
Appeal Decision

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