Planning – Application Summary

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18/02231/VAR | Variation of condition 3 (approved plans and documents) to revise indicative parameters plans and condition 18 (noise levels) to revise residential noise levels of planning permission 14/02940/OUT as varied by 14/02940/NMA and 14/02940/NMA2 (Outline planning application (with all matters reserved) seeking permission for up to 270 residential dwellings to incorporate a maximum of 92 houses on 2 to 3 floors of 1 to 4 bedrooms with one dwelling being a house with 5 bedrooms and 178 flats of 1 to 4 bedrooms on 2 to 5 floors. Provision of car parking, cycle and bin storage, landscaping and ancillary works. (Amended plans and additional information).) | Site South Of Armstrong Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX4 4XG
Reference 18/02231/VAR
Alternative Reference PP-07218240
Application Received Tue 21 Aug 2018
Application Validated Tue 21 Aug 2018
Address Site South Of Armstrong Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX4 4XG
Proposal Variation of condition 3 (approved plans and documents) to revise indicative parameters plans and condition 18 (noise levels) to revise residential noise levels of planning permission 14/02940/OUT as varied by 14/02940/NMA and 14/02940/NMA2 (Outline planning application (with all matters reserved) seeking permission for up to 270 residential dwellings to incorporate a maximum of 92 houses on 2 to 3 floors of 1 to 4 bedrooms with one dwelling being a house with 5 bedrooms and 178 flats of 1 to 4 bedrooms on 2 to 5 floors. Provision of car parking, cycle and bin storage, landscaping and ancillary works. (Amended plans and additional information).)
Status Decided
Decision Approved
Decision Issued Date Fri 06 Dec 2019
Appeal Status Unknown
Appeal Decision

There are 23 documents associated with this application.

There is 1 case associated with this application.

There are 280 properties associated with this application.

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