Planning – Application Summary

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23/00405/OUTFUL | Hybrid application for the redevelopment of Blackbird Leys District Centre and land off Knights Road, Oxford. Full planning permission is sought for the erection of up to 210 apartments and up to 1,300sqm of retail and commercial space (Use Classes E and Sui Generis) across four buildings on Blackbird Leys Road and the erection of up to 84 dwellinghouses at Knights Road, all with associated demolition of existing buildings and the provision of vehicular accesses, highway improvements, public open space and associated necessary infrastructure. Outline planning permission is sought for the provision of a community centre and public open space surrounding the community centre (Use Classes F2 and E) and block A (community square and green) in the District Centre with all matters reserved except for the principle means of access. (Amended Description) (Amended Plans) | Land At Blackbird Leys Road And Knights Road Oxford Oxfordshire
Reference 23/00405/OUTFUL
Alternative Reference PP-11893170
Application Received Thu 23 Feb 2023
Application Validated Tue 14 Mar 2023
Address Land At Blackbird Leys Road And Knights Road Oxford Oxfordshire
Proposal Hybrid application for the redevelopment of Blackbird Leys District Centre and land off Knights Road, Oxford. Full planning permission is sought for the erection of up to 210 apartments and up to 1,300sqm of retail and commercial space (Use Classes E and Sui Generis) across four buildings on Blackbird Leys Road and the erection of up to 84 dwellinghouses at Knights Road, all with associated demolition of existing buildings and the provision of vehicular accesses, highway improvements, public open space and associated necessary infrastructure. Outline planning permission is sought for the provision of a community centre and public open space surrounding the community centre (Use Classes F2 and E) and block A (community square and green) in the District Centre with all matters reserved except for the principle means of access. (Amended Description) (Amended Plans)
Status Decided
Decision Approved
Decision Issued Date Wed 25 Oct 2023
Appeal Status Unknown
Appeal Decision

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