Erection of part four, part three storey building to create 4 x 1-bed flats and 3 x 2-bed flats (Use Class C3). Erection of single storey building to create 1 x 2-bed flat (Use Class C3). Provision of private amenity space, bin and cycle stores, alterations to landscaping and formation of 1no. disabled parking space.
Land To The Rear Of 4 Lime Walk Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 7AE
Reference | 20/03198/FUL |
Alternative Reference | PP-09345863 |
Application Received | Thu 17 Dec 2020 |
Application Validated | Wed 30 Dec 2020 |
Address | Land To The Rear Of 4 Lime Walk Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 7AE |
Proposal | Erection of part four, part three storey building to create 4 x 1-bed flats and 3 x 2-bed flats (Use Class C3). Erection of single storey building to create 1 x 2-bed flat (Use Class C3). Provision of private amenity space, bin and cycle stores, alterations to landscaping and formation of 1no. disabled parking space. |
Status | Decided |
Decision | Approved |
Decision Issued Date | Thu 11 Mar 2021 |
Appeal Status | Unknown |
Appeal Decision |
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