Proposed demolition of Blocks C, F, G, H, J, K, L and M of the Clive Booth Student Village and erection of 1,077 student bedrooms with associated communal and social facilities (reference 18/02587/FUL) (revised land ownership certificate) (Amended Plans)
Site Of Blocks C F G H J K L And M Clive Booth Hall John Garne Way Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 0FN
Reference | 18/02587/FUL |
Alternative Reference | PP-07167298 |
Application Received | Fri 28 Sep 2018 |
Application Validated | Wed 12 Dec 2018 |
Address | Site Of Blocks C F G H J K L And M Clive Booth Hall John Garne Way Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 0FN |
Proposal | Proposed demolition of Blocks C, F, G, H, J, K, L and M of the Clive Booth Student Village and erection of 1,077 student bedrooms with associated communal and social facilities (reference 18/02587/FUL) (revised land ownership certificate) (Amended Plans) |
Status | Decided |
Decision | Refused |
Decision Issued Date | Fri 21 Jun 2019 |
Appeal Status | Unknown |
Appeal Decision |
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