Hybrid planning application comprising: (i) Outline application (with all matters reserved save for "access"), for the erection of up to 87,300 sqm (GIA) of employment space (Use Class B1), up to 550 sqm (GIA) of community space (Use Class D1), up to 2,500 sqm (GIA) of Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 floorspace, up to a 180 bedroom hotel (Use Class C1) and up to 480 residential units (Use Class C3), installation of an energy sharing loop, main vehicle access points from A40 and A44, link road between A40 and A44 through the site, pedestrian and cycle access points and routes, car and cycle parking, open space, landscaping and associated infrastructure works. Works to the A40 and A44 in the vicinity of the site. (ii) Full application for part of Phase 1A comprising 15,850 sqm (GIA) of employment space (Use Class B1), installation of an energy sharing loop, access junctions from the A40 and A44 (temporary junction design on A44), construction of a link road between the A40 and A44, open space, landscaping, temporary car parking (for limited period), installation of cycle parking (some temporary for limited period), foul and surface water drainage, pedestrian and cycle links (some temporary for limited period) along with associated infrastructure works. Works to the A40 and A44 in the vicinity of the site. (Amended plans and additional information received 19.06.2019)
Oxford North (Northern Gateway) Land Adjacent To A44, A40, A34 And Wolvercote Roundabout Northern By-Pass Road Wolvercote Oxford Oxfordshire OX2 8JR
Reference | 18/02065/OUTFUL |
Alternative Reference | PP-07017293 |
Application Received | Tue 31 Jul 2018 |
Application Validated | Tue 31 Jul 2018 |
Address | Oxford North (Northern Gateway) Land Adjacent To A44, A40, A34 And Wolvercote Roundabout Northern By-Pass Road Wolvercote Oxford Oxfordshire OX2 8JR |
Proposal |
Hybrid planning application comprising: (i) Outline application (with all matters reserved save for "access"), for the erection of up to 87,300 sqm (GIA) of employment space (Use Class B1), up to 550 sqm (GIA) of community space (Use Class D1), up to 2,500 sqm (GIA) of Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 floorspace, up to a 180 bedroom hotel (Use Class C1) and up to 480 residential units (Use Class C3), installation of an energy sharing loop, main vehicle access points from A40 and A44, link road between A40 and A44 through the site, pedestrian and cycle access points and routes, car and cycle parking, open space, landscaping and associated infrastructure works. Works to the A40 and A44 in the vicinity of the site. (ii) Full application for part of Phase 1A comprising 15,850 sqm (GIA) of employment space (Use Class B1), installation of an energy sharing loop, access junctions from the A40 and A44 (temporary junction design on A44), construction of a link road between the A40 and A44, open space, landscaping, temporary car parking (for limited period), installation of cycle parking (some temporary for limited period), foul and surface water drainage, pedestrian and cycle links (some temporary for limited period) along with associated infrastructure works. Works to the A40 and A44 in the vicinity of the site. (Amended plans and additional information received 19.06.2019) |
Status | Decided |
Decision | Approved |
Decision Issued Date | Tue 23 Mar 2021 |
Appeal Status | Unknown |
Appeal Decision |
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