Demolition of 4 existing buildings (including Richards, Waco and Badenoch Buildings). Erection of 2 medical research buildings on 3 floors plus basement to accommodate Nuffield Department of Medicine and Kennedy Institute, to include laboratories, offices, stores, workshops and ancillary spaces. Provision of hard and soft landscaping, cycle parking and rearrangement of car parking. (Amended Plans)
University Of Oxford Roosevelt Drive Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 7LF
Reference | 11/01054/FUL |
Alternative Reference | |
Application Received | Thu 07 Apr 2011 |
Application Validated | Thu 07 Apr 2011 |
Address | University Of Oxford Roosevelt Drive Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 7LF |
Proposal | Demolition of 4 existing buildings (including Richards, Waco and Badenoch Buildings). Erection of 2 medical research buildings on 3 floors plus basement to accommodate Nuffield Department of Medicine and Kennedy Institute, to include laboratories, offices, stores, workshops and ancillary spaces. Provision of hard and soft landscaping, cycle parking and rearrangement of car parking. (Amended Plans) |
Status | Decided |
Decision | Approved |
Decision Issued Date | Fri 23 Sep 2011 |
Appeal Status | Unknown |
Appeal Decision |
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There are 3 properties associated with this application.