Planning – Application Details

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21/01695/FUL | Demolition of The Cottage building. Partial demolition and alterations to Forest Lodge building. Erection of 402 apartments (Class C3), a 133 bed hotel (Class C1), employment provision in the form of offices, with additional mixed use accommodation to include gym, café and restaurant (all within Class E), public open space, associated landscape, bicycle and car parking and the provision of a new vehicular access onto the A40 (amended plans, description and supporting information). | Thornhill Park London Road Headington Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 9RX
Application Type Full Application
Expected Decision Level Committee Decision
Case Officer Jennifer Coppock
Parish Risinghurst And Sandhills Parish Council
Ward Quarry And Risinghurst Ward
District Reference
Applicant Name Mr Rafi Wechsler
Agent Name Mr Roger Smith
Agent Company Name
Agent Address Savillls Wythan Court 11 West Way Botley OXFORD OX2 0QL
Environmental Assessment Requested No

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