Planning – Application Details

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21/00120/FUL | Demolition of existing garage. Erection of a part single, part two storey side and rear extension. Insertion of 1no. dormer to rear roofslope, insertion of 2no. rooflights to south roofslope and 1no. rooflight to front roofslope in association with loft conversion. | 8 Staunton Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 7TW
Application Type Full Application
Decision Approved
Actual Decision Level Delegated Decision
Expected Decision Level Delegated decision
Case Officer Tim Hunter
Ward Headington Ward
District Reference
Applicant Name Mrs N Howard
Agent Name Mr Steve Palmer
Agent Company Name
Agent Address Jon Hartley & Associates Ltd Halfway Fox Lane Boars Hill Oxford OX1 5DR United Kingdom
Environmental Assessment Requested No

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