Planning – Application Details

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20/01157/VAR | Variation of condition 2 (Develop in accordance with approved plans) of planning permission 19/03125/VAR (Variation of condition 2 (in accordance with approved plans) of planning permission 17/01480/FUL (allowed on appeal) to allow an increase in height, alterations to the fenestration and alterations to the detailing of the buildings.) to allow alterations to the rear of the building and amendments to juliet balcony. | 4 Lime Walk Oxford OX3 7AE
Application Type Variation of condition
Decision Approved
Actual Decision Level Delegated Decision
Expected Decision Level Delegated decision
Case Officer Sarah Orchard
Ward Headington Ward
District Reference
Applicant Name S Morrison
Agent Name Mrs Anna Thomson
Agent Company Name
Agent Address ADL Planning Limited 1 The Arbory Plumpton Lane Great Plumpton PR4 3NH
Environmental Assessment Requested No

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