Planning – Application Details

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14/00163/VAR | Variation of condition 8 (Student accommodation) of planning permission 12/02560/VAR (Variation of condition 7 (occupation by full time students) of planning permission 09/02518/OUT to allow occupation of the development by students in full time education on courses of an academic year or more) to allow occupation of the development including vacation periods. | Travis Perkins Chapel Street Oxford Oxfordshire OX4 1XL
Application Type Variation of condition
Decision Approved
Actual Decision Level
Expected Decision Level Delegated decision
Case Officer Murray Hancock
Ward St Clement's Ward
District Reference
Applicant Name A2 Dominion Homes Ltd
Agent Name JPPC
Agent Company Name
Agent Address Mr Nik Lyzba Bagley Croft Hinksey Hill Oxford Oxfordshire OX1 5BS
Environmental Assessment Requested No

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