Erection of 2x3 bed dwellings and 1x2 bed dwelling (Class C3) in terraced block with associated bin and cycle stores.
Land Rear Of 82 84 And 86 Windmill Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 7BZ
Application Type | Full Application |
Decision | Approved |
Actual Decision Level | Delegated app called in by Area Comm |
Expected Decision Level | Delegated decision |
Case Officer | Angela Fettiplace |
Parish | |
Ward | Headington Ward |
District Reference | |
Applicant Name | Haseley Homes Ltd |
Agent Name | Ifor Rhys Ltd |
Agent Company Name | Ifor Rhys Ltd |
Agent Address | Mr David Rhys Lower Barn 4 Blenheim Road Horspath Oxford Oxfordshire OX33 1RY |
Environmental Assessment Requested | No |