Planning – Application Details

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12/01169/NMA | Non material amendment to planning permission 12/01169/FUL to rename plot 1 as plot 3, and plot 3 as plot 1. Amend plot 1 to omit the ground floor window to the east elevation and replace with recessed brickwork panels, omit the second floor rooflight to the east elevation and add the rooflight and window to the west elevation position of chimney to be moved externally. Plot 3 and 3 amended to increase the width of the ground floor windows on the north elevation and add rooflights to the north and south elevations. | 2 Upland Park Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX2 7RU
Application Type Non-Material Amendments - 1st app
Decision Approved
Actual Decision Level
Expected Decision Level Delegated decision
Case Officer Andrew Murdoch
Ward Summertown Ward
District Reference
Applicant Name Lucy Developments Ltd
Agent Name The Anderson Orr Partnership Ltd
Agent Company Name
Agent Address The Studio 70 Church Road Wheatley Oxford OX33 1LZ
Environmental Assessment Requested No

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