Demolition of existing buildings on site. Erection of 166 student study rooms and 4 fellows flats in two blocks on 3 and 4 levels, together with sunken gym, single storey pavilion amphitheatre, 5 car parking spaces, 90 cycle parking spaces, landscaping and ancillary works. (Reserved Matters as part of Outline planning permission 09/02518/OUT seeking approval of details of layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping) (Amended description and plans)
Travis Perkins Chapel Street Oxford Oxfordshire OX4 1XL
Application Type | Reserved Matters |
Decision | Approved |
Actual Decision Level | |
Expected Decision Level | Delegated decision |
Case Officer | Murray Hancock |
Parish | |
Ward | St Clement's Ward |
District Reference | |
Applicant Name | W.E.Black Ltd |
Agent Name | John Philips Planning Consultancy |
Agent Company Name | |
Agent Address | Mr Nik Lyzba Bagley Croft Hinksey Hill Oxford OX1 5BD |
Environmental Assessment Requested | No |