Planning – Application Details

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05/02065/FUL | Demolition of existing workshop building and outbuildings. Retention of existing shop and one bedroom flat. Erection of 2-storey workshop building, with music room and office. Erection of 6 x 1 bedroom dwellings in a 3- storey terrace. Alterations to the existing access and formation of 9 car parking spaces (3 for the workshop and 6 for the dwellings) | 1 Quarry High Street Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 8JT
Application Type Full Application
Decision Application Withdrawn
Actual Decision Level Delegated Decision
Expected Decision Level Committee Decision
Case Officer Philip Rawle
Ward Quarry And Risinghurst Ward
District Reference
Applicant Name Beecher Acoustics
Agent Name Kemp And Kemp
Agent Company Name
Agent Address Elms Court Botley Oxford OX2 9LP
Environmental Assessment Requested No

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