23/01581/FUL | Alterations and extensions to existing pavilion to create a new kitchen, café area, storage room and bin store. Alterations to existing tennis court and creation of an all-weather Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) and installation of associated lighting. Creation of mini-golf course, 2no. shuffleboard courts and a group exercise space. Installation of 2no. table tennis tables. Provision of cycle storage and new seating areas. Alterations to existing boundary and landscaping to include the removal of 2no. trees and replacement of 1no. hedge and (Amended Plans and Description. Updated ecological information). | Pavilion Bury Knowle Park London Road Headington Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 9HY


Mr Andrew Brough

EMAIL apps@ctplanning.co.uk
Phone contact number 01543418779

Ward Councillors

Councillor Christopher Smowton

Address 11 David Nicholls Close Littlemore Oxford OX4 4QX
EMAIL cllrcsmowton@oxford.gov.uk

Mohammed Altaf-Khan

Address Members Room Town Hall St Aldate's Oxford OX1 1BX
Mobile Phone 07931 345554
EMAIL cllrmaltaf-khan@oxford.gov.uk

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