22/02405/T56 | Application for prior approval to install 1no. 15metre high slim-line monopole, supporting 6 no. antennas with 1 no. wraparound equipment cabinet at the base, 2 no. equipment cabinets, 1 no. electric meter cabinet, and ancillary development thereto. (Amended description and address). | Grass Verge At Quarry Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 8JR


Ms Esther Valencia

EMAIL planning@gillan-consulting.com
Phone contact number 01877330005

Ward Councillors

Roz Smith

Address 12 Weyland Road Headington Quarry Oxford OX3 8PD
EMAIL cllrRozSmith@oxford.gov.uk
Phone contact number 01865 750731
Mobile Phone 07584 257156

Chewe Munkonge

Address 7 Grovelands Road Headington Oxford OX3 8HZ
Mobile Phone 07825 283858
EMAIL cllrcmunkonge@oxford.gov.uk

an Idox solution