21/03361/FUL | Demolition of existing retail store (Use Class E). Erection of new building at 1 to 5 storeys containing retail store (Use Class E) and hotel (Use Class C1). Service area, landscaping, cycle parking, and drop off bays on Stile Road. | 152 London Road Headington Oxford OX3 9ED


Mr Nik Lyzba

EMAIL n.lyzba@btinternet.com
Phone contact number 07802425736

Ward Councillors

Roz Smith

Address 12 Weyland Road Headington Quarry Oxford OX3 8PD
EMAIL cllrRozSmith@oxford.gov.uk
Phone contact number 01865 750731
Mobile Phone 07584 257156

Chewe Munkonge

Address 7 Grovelands Road Headington Oxford OX3 8HZ
Mobile Phone 07825 283858
EMAIL cllrcmunkonge@oxford.gov.uk

an Idox solution