21/02776/RES | Details of Reserved matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) for Phase 2 and 4 of Barton Park pursuant to Condition 3 of outline planning permission 13/01383/OUT. These works comprise of residential units (Use Class C3) and commercial units (Use Class E) with associated public realm and highway works including landscaping, cycle and car parking, and the discharge of phase-specific conditions of the outline. | Land At Barton Northern By-pass Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 9SD


Mr Paul Comerford

Phone contact number 07713985877
EMAIL Paul.comerford@priorpartners.com

Ward Councillors

Councillor Asima Qayyam

Address Member's Room Town Hall St Aldate's Oxford OX1 1BX
EMAIL cllraqayyum@oxford.gov.uk

Councillor Mike Rowley

Address Member's Room Town Hall St Aldate's Oxford OX1 1BX
Phone contact number 07827 532445
EMAIL cllrmrowley@oxford.gov.uk

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