21/01368/FUL | Alterations to footpath, including alterations to boundary wall and railings, new surface treatments and landscaping. (amended plans) | Headington Hill Campus Oxford Brookes University Headington Hill Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 0BT


Mr Jon Alsop

EMAIL jon.alsop@savills.com
Phone contact number 01865269056

Ward Councillors

Nigel Chapman

Address 34 Chalfont Road Oxford OX2 6TH
Phone contact number 01865 554757
Mobile Phone 07850 763 708
EMAIL cllrnchapman@oxford.gov.uk

Councillor Barbara Coyne

Address Member's Room Town Hall St Aldate's Oxford OX1 1BX
Phone contact number 01865 507708
EMAIL cllrbcoyne@oxford.gov.uk

an Idox solution