20/01157/VAR | Variation of condition 2 (Develop in accordance with approved plans) of planning permission 19/03125/VAR (Variation of condition 2 (in accordance with approved plans) of planning permission 17/01480/FUL (allowed on appeal) to allow an increase in height, alterations to the fenestration and alterations to the detailing of the buildings.) to allow alterations to the rear of the building and amendments to juliet balcony. | 4 Lime Walk Oxford OX3 7AE


Mrs Anna Thomson

EMAIL contact@adlplanning.co.uk
Phone contact number 07984618056

Ward Councillors

Councillor Christopher Smowton

Address 11 David Nicholls Close Littlemore Oxford OX4 4QX
EMAIL cllrcsmowton@oxford.gov.uk

Mohammed Altaf-Khan

Address Members Room Town Hall St Aldate's Oxford OX1 1BX
Mobile Phone 07931 345554
EMAIL cllrmaltaf-khan@oxford.gov.uk

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