18/00939/FUL | Erection of 1 x 3-bed and 2 x 4-bed dwellinghouses (Use Class C3). Provision of private amenity space, bin and cycle storage and car parking spaces. | The Quarry Gate 19 Wharton Road Oxford OX3 8AL


Mr Simon Sharp

EMAIL simon.sharp@jppc.co.uk
Phone contact number 01865326823

Ward Councillors

Roz Smith

Address 12 Weyland Road Headington Quarry Oxford OX3 8PD
EMAIL cllrRozSmith@oxford.gov.uk
Phone contact number 01865 750731
Mobile Phone 07584 257156

Chewe Munkonge

Address 7 Grovelands Road Headington Oxford OX3 8HZ
Mobile Phone 07825 283858
EMAIL cllrcmunkonge@oxford.gov.uk

an Idox solution