17/00584/FUL | Demolition of single storey lecture hall and refectory buildings. Change of use from Student Accommodation (Sui Generis) to Residential Institution (Use Class C2). Erection of connecting buildings, a new accommodation block at the western end of the site, reconfiguration of the retained buildings, and provision of associated car parking and cycle parking spaces, landscaping, plant, and associated works. (Amended description) | Cotuit Hall Old House Pullens Lane Oxford OX3 0DA


Ms Alexandra Milne

EMAIL alexandra.milne@dp9.co.uk
Phone contact number 02070041700

Ward Councillors

Nigel Chapman

Address 34 Chalfont Road Oxford OX2 6TH
Phone contact number 01865 554757
Mobile Phone 07850 763 708
EMAIL cllrnchapman@oxford.gov.uk

Councillor Barbara Coyne

Address Member's Room Town Hall St Aldate's Oxford OX1 1BX
Phone contact number 01865 507708
EMAIL cllrbcoyne@oxford.gov.uk

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