16/02678/B56 | Change of use of Nielsen House and annex from office (Use Class B1(a)) to residential (Use Class C3) to provide 30 x 1-bed flats and 63 x 2-bed flats. This application is for determination as to whether prior approval of the Council is required and, if required, whether it should be granted. This application is assessed solely in respect of transport and highway impacts and contamination and flooding risks. | Nielsen House London Road Headington Oxford Oxfordshire OX3 9RX


Mr Peter J Frampton

EMAIL peter.frampton@framptons-planning.com
Phone contact number 01295 672310

Ward Councillors

Roz Smith

Address 12 Weyland Road Headington Quarry Oxford OX3 8PD
EMAIL cllrRozSmith@oxford.gov.uk
Phone contact number 01865 750731
Mobile Phone 07584 257156

Chewe Munkonge

Address 7 Grovelands Road Headington Oxford OX3 8HZ
Mobile Phone 07825 283858
EMAIL cllrcmunkonge@oxford.gov.uk

an Idox solution