Outline planning application (with all matters reserved) seeking permission for up to 270 residential dwellings of 1 to 4 bedrooms on 2 to 5 floors to incorporate a maximum of 104 houses and 166 flats. Provision of car parking, cycle and bin storage, landscaping and ancillary works. (Amended plans and additional information)
Site South Of Armstrong Road Oxford Oxfordshire OX4 4XG
Ward Councillors
Tiago Corais
Address | Member's Room Town Hall St Aldate's Oxford OX1 1BX |
cllrtcorais@oxford.gov.uk | |
Mobile Phone | 07483010846 |
Councillor Sandy Douglas
Address | Member's Room Town Hall St Aldate's Oxford OX1 1BX |
Cllrsdouglas@oxford.gov.uk | |
Mobile Phone | 07901 543624 |