Demolition of existing buildings on site. Erection of 166 student study rooms and 4 fellows flats in two blocks on 3 and 4 levels, together with sunken gym, single storey pavilion amphitheatre, 5 car parking spaces, 90 cycle parking spaces, landscaping and ancillary works. (Reserved Matters as part of Outline planning permission 09/02518/OUT seeking approval of details of layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping) (Amended description and plans)
Travis Perkins Chapel Street Oxford Oxfordshire OX4 1XL
John Philips Planning Consultancy
Work Phone Number | 01865 326823 |
Ward Councillors
Councillor Jemima Hunt
Address | Member's Room Town Hall St Aldate's Oxford OX1 1BX |
cllrjhunt@oxford.gov.uk |
Councillor Alex Powell
Address | Member's Room Town Hall St Aldate's Oxford OX1 1BX |
cllrapowell@oxford.gov.uk |