64/15192/AA_H | 1-25 and 33-39 (incl) - Outline application for the demolition of existing dwelling house and erection of 32 three storey dwelling houses 1-5 storey block of 15 flats and 52 garages for private cars (revised) | Site Of 1-25 And 33-39 (incl) Horwood Close Oxford Oxfordshire

Ward Councillors

Councillor Christopher Smowton

Address 11 David Nicholls Close Littlemore Oxford OX4 4QX
EMAIL cllrcsmowton@oxford.gov.uk

Mohammed Altaf-Khan

Address Members Room Town Hall St Aldate's Oxford OX1 1BX
Mobile Phone 07931 345554
EMAIL cllrmaltaf-khan@oxford.gov.uk

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