Planning – Application Constraints

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21/01698/LBC | Reconfigure the staircase handrail adjacent to the organ console, provision of secondary glazing to the stained glass window, lighting and heating upgrade. | St Edmund Hall Queens Lane Oxford OX1 4AR
Name Constraint Type Status
HE.2 - ARCHAEOLOGY AREA Archaeology Area Adopted
CP.3 - LIMITING THE NEED TO TRAVEL Limiting Travel Superseded
HE.9 - HIGH BUILDING AREAS High Build Area - City Centre Adopted
TR.3, TR.11, TR.12 - CAR PARKING STANDARDS Transport Central Area Adopted
HE.7 - CONSERVATION AREAS Conservation Areas Adopted
CS1 Hierarchy Of Centres - City Centre Commercial Area Hierarchy of Centres Adopted
Central Conservation Area Confirmed
The City Of Oxford Smoke Control Order No. 2 Smoke Control Area Confirmed

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