Erection of two storey building (with accommodation in roof space) comprising of 2 x 2-bed and 2 x 3-bed houses and 1 x 1-bed flat. Provision of bin and cycle storage.
Land Rear Of 82, 84 And 86 Windmill Road Oxford Oxfordshire
Reference: | 12/00027/REFUSE |
Alternative Reference: | PP-001692744 |
Address: | Land Rear Of 82, 84 And 86 Windmill Road Oxford Oxfordshire |
Nature: | Erection of two storey building (with accommodation in roof space) comprising of 2 x 2-bed and 2 x 3-bed houses and 1 x 1-bed flat. Provision of bin and cycle storage. |
Status: | Appeal dismissed |
Appeal Type: | Appeal against refused application |
Decision: | Appeal Dismissed |
Case Officer: | Angela Fettiplace |
Parish: | |
Ward: | Headington Ward |
Procedure: | Written Representation |
Decision Date: | 21 Jan 2013 |
Venue: |
There is 1 case associated with this appeal.
There are 9 properties associated with this appeal.